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The Fox Clan

Not much is known about the Fox Clan, even the major clans have little record of them and what little is written down tends to be misplaced over the years, no sightings are recorded from before The Great War . Curiously enough, one thing that is certain is the clan joined in the final siege of the war, the battle of Otosan Uchi. A monument dedicated to samurai of the clan that lost their lives still stands in the gardens of the Emperor's Palace, a statue of a fox with two jade eyes. After that, the information about the clan becomes a whole lot less clear. An envoy or the Daimyo always shows up at the meeting of the clans every ten years and sometimes a wandering samurai is spotted bearing the sigil of the fox. Legend has it the southern forest in the Unicorn Lands shrouds their hold, but not even the bravest Unicorn dares venture too deep into those woods.


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