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The Magisterium

"The burden of knowledge weighs heavy upon those who bear it. With it follows something far heavier - a mantle of power and I fear that none of us are worthy to wear it alone, lest it tempt us and a dark storm shall once more ruin these lands. So together the burden shall be carried, the mantle shared among us and perhaps we will be worthy."
-excerpt from the diary of Foles Lokit, member of the original circle

"The Magisterium are some bloody devil-dealing maniacs with no sense of what they should involve themselves in! They preach of knowledge and yet they are ignorant, iron bind them! Nevertheless, they are impressive - their dominion of magic is unparalleled, but their true might lies in the minds of those they train in their blasted school - they are honed to be sharper than a razor's edge. They are worthy opponents if there ever were ones."
- emissary of the Iron King rushing out of a failed peace treaty during the 5th Iron War
organization more than an actual nation. The ruling entity is known as the Council and consists of powerful and intelligent mages, and control a small part of the isles in the northern part of The Shattered Wall. Their most important goal is to educate the gifted at their school, The University , as well as aid in the reconstruction of a world left in ruins. They act as guardians and purveyors of knowledge and are generally a benevolent force, but when attacked or sufficiently provoked, they will strike out with surprising strength, as seen in The Iron Wars.


The Magisterium is ruled largely by the Council. The Council consists of 9 seats, each with their own area of responsibility. The seats, their names (listed in alphabetical order), departments and responsibilities are as follows:
  • Magi of Applied Intelligence - The current holder of this seat is Vera Monque, female human. This seat is one of the more infamous titles, but a critical one nonetheless. It holds responsibility for the gathering of intel, both within the Magisterium and outside of it. It is speculated to have many highly specialised operatives, but due to their sheer presumed skill, it is hard to gauge their exact number. The application of this intelligence is also left to the Magi of Applied Intelligence, though it is shared with the rest of the Council if deemed necessary or of particular importance.
  • Magi of Central Protection - The current holder of this seat is Arvid Tharkal, male human. This seat, originally known as the Magi of War, holds the responsibility for the warfare and army of the Magisterium, as well as keeping the army on the cutting edge of magical, technological and strategical development in the subject of war. They serve as general in times of war, leading the army.
  • Magi of Critical Authority - current holder of this seat is Eras Elavir, male elf. This seat, also known as the Archmage, has no underlying department. It is the responsibility of the Archmage to keep the other Magi in check, as well as assuring that the Magisterium does not stray from their ideals, due to the corrupting hubris, that most mages are prone to. The Archmage also serves as the moderator within the council, and has veto, although it is frowned upon, if it is used. The Archmage can, by consensus of the Council, be given absolute authority in times of great chaos. Therefore every Archmage is not merely selected for their power, or charisma, but also for their honor, virtue and adherens to the ideals of the Magisterium
  • Magi of Cryptozoology - The current holder of this seat is Tyra Ulrakdorstarda'Arks, female half-orc. This seat holds the responsibility of researching and cataloging the wondrous creatures of Artil and the planes beyond, and discover if any possesses helpful qualities. They also have the responsibility of preventing harmful clashes between creatures and mortals and instead try and resolve things more peacefully.
  • Magi of Diplomatic Efforts - The current holder of this seat is Owas Myrnwalk, male dragonborn. This seat holds the responsibility of maintaining an upholding diplomatic alliances. Their department consists of various couriers and diplomats. Notably, very few of them are mages, as the diplomatic discussions with mages are a worrisome affair with constant fear of mind manipulation. This, however, does not, extend to Myrnwalk himself, who is the face of the Magisterium's diplomatic front and is generally a very well respected diplomat and mage.
  • Magi of Erudition - current holder of this seat is Quelia Uax'elas, female half-elf. This seat holds responsibility for the education that takes place at The University , where the Magi of Erudition also serves as headmaster. Their main responsibility is to ensure that the students of The University receive a proper education, and that all the subjects taught at The University are of equal level of quality. Furthermore, the Magi of Erudition is responsible for noting those of particular talent, no matter the subject, and make sure that they are given the offer of joining the Magisterium, as well as receiving special training.
  • Magi of Fragments - current holder of this seat is Ilia Elavir, female elf. This seat holds the responsibility of uncovering ancient artifacts and fragments of forgotten history, and therefore helms excavations, expeditions etc.. Since the history of Artil is mostly lost, the seat and the underlying department has become an idealized beacon of hope, as people see them as way of reclaiming their collective past.
  • Magi of Progress - The current holder of this seat is Re'var Yvan'drul, male elf. This seat holds the responsibility of the economic gain of the Magisterium, as well as developing new magical methods and technology. Having one of the largest departments, and many employees, it is arguably the most important department, perhaps only second to the department of Erudition. They are the ones responsible for the main income of the Magisterium, through trade of knowledge and patented inventions (magical and technological).
When a Magi retires, either by choice or forced by an unanimous vote of the council, a new holder of the seat is selected by the Council. Usually the new Magi is selected from the department of the seat in question. If the old Magi leaves by choice, it is common courtesy to let them appoint their potential successor, and their wish is, if not immediately granted, the at least heavily considered. It is not unusual for Magi to retire, sometimes for periods to then return, as the seats are taxing to hold for extended periods of time. The only exception to this is the seat of the Archmage, from which one does not usually retire. Within the different departments, there are also hierarchies, as well as varying degrees of worker democracy, but they vary greatly depending on the nature of the department.

Public Agenda

The Magisterium's original purpose was to enlighten and educate the populace of The Andurian Ocean and beyond, as well as serving as a bastion for the discovery of modern magic and other sciences and their subsequent development for the betterment of the entirety of Artil. This purpose they follow to this date, though it could be argued that they have expanded beyond their original goal. Their ideals are expressed through a set of tenets, which are described in the founding work of the Circle, as it was known then. They each follow a the same structure - a statement, the actual tenet, followed by a short explanation of said tenet. Although the Magisterium has changed in many, originally unimaginable, ways, they still keep the tenets at heart. The tenets are as follows:
"Remember for the lost. What was lost, shall not be lost again, and what was lost shall once more be remembered.

Be the light for those adrift in darkness. Guide those who cannot see, let them carry the light of knowledge to others.

Do not break the wind, shift it, so the flower may grow. Do not cause destruction for the sake of creation - but do not let destruction end creation. Accommodate both or balance will be no more.

"The greater the power, the heavier the mantle. The power bestowed through knowledge is great and beautiful, but also corrupting and alluring. Never forget this. Hold yourself to the highest of ideals, and others will follow, but do not judge those without a mantle to weigh them down."

- from The Pledge of the Circle 197 p.c., written in collaboration amongst member of the original Circle

Through these tenets, and the Archmage's enforcement of them, the Magisterium has been kept from going astray, at least not too far, for 6 centuries. They serve as an moral and ethical mark, coporalized in the Archmage, from which the Council makes decisions.

In addition to this, they also serve as religious, or merely powerful, sayings in some parts of the Andurian Ocean - much to the disgruntlement of the Magisterium - which fiercely distances itself from religious speculation, largely due to its fuzzy connection with old magic.


The greatest asset of the Magisterium is, without a doubt, their knowledge and expertise. This asset take multiple shapes, but can be limited to some categories. Furthermore, the reputation and diplomatic alliances of the Magisterium, combinet with their military might gives them a multitude of assets:
  Knowledge and lore. Having amassed two of the greatest libraries in the entire Andurian Ocean, The Winged Library of Conflux and The Archives of The University , the shear amount of gathered information on history, philosophy, science, magic etc. gives the Magisterium an edge in any situation. Parts of the Winged Library is of course open to the public, and access to other areas can be bought, if one is found trustworthy of the information.
  Expertise. As the Magi of Erudition makes sure to pluck the most gifted students from the University, the Magisterium has access to a vast array of specialized skill sets. This includes, but are not limited too: different forms of magic, construction, artificery, mathematics, science and medicine. These experts either work for the Magisterium themselves, or can be hired for a limited period by other nations. To keep the experts employed at the Magisterium, the Magi of Progress, and the underlying department, makes sure to cater to their needs in form of specialized labs, funds and a safe work environment, where there is no fear of being prosecuted by people, who do not understand their work.
  Invention and specialized wares. This is similar to expertise, but more a result of it. The Magisterium is a place of bright minds, and with the funds of the Magisterium, these bright minds create things. The inventions and discoveries are both of magical and technological nature, and when the patent is secured, the Magisterium receives some of the money from it, due to their monetary support, as well as providing labs, knowledge and other things essential to the innovative process. Occasionally the Magisterium has been critiqued for shutting down projects, but usually the reason has been either a violation of the Codes, something strictly against the tenets of the Magisterium or what could potentially be weapons of mass destruction. Additionally, if one wishes to buy specialized wares, the Magisterium are very likely to be in possession of them - they just don't sell them to everyone.
  Health. Especially in the area near Conflux, were various doctors practice medicine, the health of the populace is higher in most other places. In addition to this, both the University and Conflux has working water systems and Cleansing Stones placed throughout the cities, resulting in a high level of hygiene.
  Diplomacy. Through the centuries the Magisterium has become quite well connected, and although many still regard them with caution, they are generally considered to be a force of good. Due to the multicultural nature of the organization it has the good will of most of the central and western Andurian Ocean, but many, especially those outside of the Andurian Ocean are skeptic. The efforts of the current Magi of Diplomatic Efforts has been quite fruitful, and the old existing diplomatic relations are well tended.
  Military. As the military might of the Magisterium grew, it became an asset in itself. All though not a large army compared to that of other nations, it is still powerful. The army is well equipped and is augmented by advanced magic and technology. But what truly makes the army, and the fleet required to move them, frightening are the ones that lead them. The Magi of Central Protection has handpicked the commanders of the army, each having their unique strengths. Therefore the different segments of the army, each with their own commander, vary greatly from the others. Among the most infamous is the Bone Legion, which consists of undead elite soldiers, each having agreed to a bone bond, before their death. The army of The Magisterium also serves as guards and peacekeepers in their local area, protecting the waters from pirates and smaller towns from bandits. The security they provide is a sought after good, leading to a great income from travelling merchant wanting to travel through the safe Magisterium-controlled waters.



The founding of the Magisterium, or as it was originally called: the Circle, has been estimated to be around the year of 197 p.c.. Originally it was a council, or circle, consisting of the grand mages of the time. They formed the circle as a means of defense against a world in which modern magic was being rediscovered and was still regarded as its’ elder sibling, old magic, to be dangerous, volatile and generally amoral. With their combined strength, however, they were untouchable, and the rest of the world left them to their studies and supposed dark deeds. But the Magisterium did not stay quiet for long. For a mere 16 years after their own founding, the council opened a school, who would come to go by "The University ". The school was free to attend if you were sufficiently talented, or you could pay to go their if your talent did not suffice. The Magisterium’s reasoning for doing this, has been quoted by Umril Halraker, part of the circle, to be “a moral obligation to civilization as a whole”. Surprising, to most people, it did not simply teach the art of modern magic, it was not even required for those attending to learn it. Instead it taught a multitude of different subjects in addition to modern magic. This included, but was not limited to alchemy, chemistry, herblore, physics, mathematics, artificing, languages and architecture. People, both poor and rich, some more talented than others, attended the school. They were from all over the world, even from outside The Andurian Ocean. As they quickly became a much needed bastion of knowledge in a world being rebuild after The Whelmstorm, their political power rose. Not wanting to taint The University 's pure ideal, with the actuality of cutthroat diplomacy, the Circle decided to move their center of power to the city that came to be Conflux. As the city was being constructed by the most gifted of the worldshapers, the Circle decided to change their name to "The Magisterium", to signify their complete transition from a closed circle to an open political, cultural, and eventually, economical and military power. So in the year of 243 p.c. the Circle was no more and the Magisterium had risen.
The city of Conflux by Anthony Wolf


Price of power:

Even with the rising power of the Magisterium they maintained a no-interference policy. Yet their silent power was a stabilizing factor within the Andurian Ocean - the shear technological and magical proves, which had been displayed in the rapid construction of Conlux had left the entirety of the Andurian Ocean at awe. Some have speculated that this is in fact why the worldshapers, to date, are some of the most revered mages of all. Even though they were not militant by any means, the areas surrounding both the University and Conflux, were rarely plagued by conflict in the early years. This, however, could not last. The students of the University, were, for the most part, loyal to the Magisterium, thankful of the education they had received. Some have argued that, they were indoctrinated to think like that from a young and formative age - others however proposed that subtle enchantments had been laid upon the students, all though it never has been proven. Nevertheless, in the year of 251 p.c. three former students of the University, their names wiped from the records the University, started wreaking havoc across The Shifting Isles. However, it was subtle sort of havoc - they had infiltrated the weak government of the isles using a combination of an inexplicable source of funds and powerful enchantments, both of which are supposed to have been found in their travels through the war-torn land of Tindar to the south. The latter was both the most interesting and perhaps reason for their success - the art of enchantment, the influence of the mind, was generally not an art taught at the University beyond the most basic level, and was therefore not recognized immediately. Furthermore it was not an often, and definitely not publicly, discussed type of magic, since the Magisterium had feared that it might sow distrust and fear for mages - how could you tell if they were messing with your mind? Therefore, it was first in the late 251 p.c., the three students' subterfuge was discovered, mostly as a result of rumors of the new kings of the isles, who had the tongues of snakes, able to slither in to the mind of even the most stalwart and sure-minded folk and whisper promises of great things for small favors. So they became known as the Whisper Kings, but their reign was short-lived, for they had mistaken restraint for weakness, and the Magisterium's restraint held no more. Young member of the ruling council of the Magisterium, who would later be Archmage of said council, Eras Elavir, was dispatched to deal with the problem. He met them three on one, which has later been speculated to be a premeditated decision, as the signal it send was quite clear - an account of the final moments of their battle reads:
    "... as the the Whisper King Asp (names of the kings have been replaced with names of snakes in a sort of poetic twist - most scholars agree: it is horrible) looked up from the dusts, which was all that remained of his friend, Viper, he roared out in agony - his eyes locking onto the silent robed figure whose arm was outstretched in what seemed to be an almost careless gesture. And for all the regency of the Asp, he seemed but an ant to the robed figure. Asp spit out a hiss, and said: "Who are you, he who so easily ends master magicians?" raising his hand, lightning sparking from his fingertips. The robed figure lowered his hood, revealing a shaved head and a calm face, he, Elavir, responded: "Honey and snake tongue make no master, and neither does it make a king... now come...". Interrupted by a sudden flash of lightning hitting him square in the chest, throwing him back several feet, where he impacted, tumbled, and landed upon his feet. A single sigh escapes Elavir as he raises his hand, a subtle wave in the air the only tell of his power. "If only you would have listened" he said, slowly walking towards Asp, the last of the Whisper Kings. Asp looked at Elavir, recognition mixed with fear apparent on his face, but only for a moment as a mask of confidence covered his fear, "Listen up errand boy... you are no mage, you are just a dog to your elders, a slave to them - wouldn't you like to be free? We... I... can offer that", his words laced with enchantment vibrated through the King's Hall, compelling everything it seemed, even the stone beneath him, to listen. In response Elavir, raised an eyebrow, barely concealing a grin. Asp, overcome with wrath no longer contained by honeyed words, roared, "What are you laughing at you moron?". The grinning man looked at Asp in disbelief, "Oh, you really didn't notice?". At that Asp frowned, then looked down himself, only to realize that he couldn't - and with that last look of confusion, the face of Asp became stone, forever frozen in bewilderment."  
- from The Whisper Kings: a farce or a sensation?, written by Doran Ewandril

  After this episode it became apparent, that the Magisterium could no longer continue their no-interference policy.

The Warden Decree and Codes of Magic:

To insure that nothing like the Whisper Kings would happen again, the Magisterium, after 6 years of diplomatic efforts with the different kingdoms and other powerful organization within the Andurian Ocean, managed to pass the Warden Decree in 257 p.c.. The decree laid the groundwork for the creation of the Warden organization, a selection of 50 individuals tasked with upholding the Codes of Magic. They were all given a degree of diplomatic immunity and right to intervene in cases of violation of set codes, within the signing nation, kingdoms etc. which included most of the Andurian Ocean, with the notable exception of The Kaldegran Isles. The main reason that the creation of The Wardens, was accepted eventually, after much push-back, was mainly due to the more and more frequent occurrence of magically endowed warlords from the south entering the Andurian Ocean.
The Wardens first 50 members mainly consisted of particularly gifted mages trained at the University, though not all were mages. Due to the multicultural nature of the University the members came from all over the the Andurian Ocean, even including three from Akurt and a single one from Tindar. This somewhat softened the blow of the power that this new very military-like group held, as the diversity off-set any chance of loyalty to a particular force, perhaps with the exception of to the Magisterium itself. In 289 p.c. The Wardens set up headquarters on the northern part of the island Ilistras, further cementing themselves as an neutral organization. With the Sentinel Protocol of 370 p.c. expanding their number to a hundred, and expanding their task to deal with a greater deal of threats, The Wardens began to resemble the fearsome organization, that to this date guards a large part of Artil against supernatural foes and rogue mages, and who's mere reputation deters far more.


"I remember it, yes... but why do you ask of such things? Why not speak of happy things? The past... it is not so sunny, please don't make me remember, I... I... well if you must know. It was a day like any other, we were mining the metal from a stone, that fell from the sky - I remember looking at my friend, Rudolph, was his name. He smiled at me, told a joke, he was always a cheery one - suddenly I heard him choking and I looked up to see a spear trough his chest."
- account of the inciting attack from a miner, resident of the Arx home of the mentally ill for 20 years

In the year of 406 p.c. a mining and research trip to a fallen meteorite in the middle of The Misty Tides, helmed by researchers from the University were attacked by a Kalderian raiding party, slaughtering the most of the mining party, leaving a single survivor, who would drift ashore after spending several days in Gloomfog. Luckily, the party's diviner, brought along to foresee the Gloomfog, send a message to the Magisterium, before being executed. This was not the first party to go missing, however, they had previously been assumed to have fallen prey to the devious Gloomfog or some sea monster. The Magisterium was outraged, but as the crime was not magical in nature The Wardens refused to intervene. As the Magisterium themselves, did not possess any military might, apart from the power their magic lend them, they were crippled. Before a storm of magic could be hauled at the Kaldegran Isles, the wizened old archmage of the Council, Foles Lokit, proposed a meeting with the Iron King, which the king accepted. The two met alone on the easternmost Tower isle, located eastward of Respite past the Misty Tides. What exactly happened is uncertain, but elements of the meeting were recorded by the archmage's homunculus scribe, although the recordings are a bit jumbled and confused. The last minutes of recording write like this:

"... he smiles at me. I know what he will do, he is predictable, yet... [here strange signs have been made, rendering the text unreadable]... is that so?" I reply. He seems perturbed by my calmness, but can I blame him? When you reach my age it is just hard to get all worked up... but what if I were to... [ink has formed smoky shapes, what are they supposed to resemble?]... a pattern [the clay of the homunculus has ruined this part]... see". His blade glimmers in the sun, and by the name of iron, he swi...[Here the text ends abruptly]"
- from the homunculus written diary of archmage Lokis Folkit, recovered from under the body of the dead homunculus

The death of the archmage came as a shock to rest of the Council. In the aftermath Eras Elavir, still young by council standards, was named archmage. He declared war upon the Kaldegran Isles, and so the first of The Iron Wars begun. But the Magisterium still needed an army. Elavir called upon the help of those kingdoms and nations they had helped with knowledge and advice countless times, but none came in their hour of need. Enraged, he created a new seat in the Council - one for the Magi of War. The unthankful abandonment of an ally in need had brought on the militarization of the Magisterium - a gentle force of nature had been hurt and had now grown barbs.

Heavy are the heads, that bear the wisdom of the ages

Founding Date
197 p.c.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Circle
Subsidiary Organizations

The look of magicians:

Examples of pre-uniform mage-fashion by KiaraDesign
For a very long time The Magisterium's mages followed the traditional fashion of wizard, with long robes, and the occasional pointy hat. However, the difference, both in fashion, but also respect, between the practitioners of modern magic and the non-practitioners, became a very sore and discussed subject in the of 570's. Therefore it was proposed by the serving Magi of Applied Intelligence, as part of a greater initiative to unite the two parties, that a uniform, modelled after the one used in the Magisterium's army, should be made. This was very much approved, and the unity of the parties, which followed are said to be one of the most impressive pieces of diplomatic work. The order and structure brought with the uniforms also became a practical way of identifying, which department and the place in the hierarchy, an individual holds. Here are some examples of the uniforms of The Magisterium.
Magisterium uniforms by ExMachina

The Codes of Magic:

The Codes of Magic, often simply refereed to as the Codes, are a set of laws pertaining to the proper use of magic. They were created by the Magisterium, in the year of 253 p.c., as a foundation from where the Warden Decree would be build. The Wardens would serve to uphold these laws, and if they find them to be broken - they would carry out the sentence on the spot. The Codes are as follows:
  1. "Thou shall not kill a mortal with magic.
  2. Thou shall not meddle with the mind of a mortal
  3. Thou shall not alter a mortal against their will
  4. Thou shall not awake the dead against their will
  5. Thou shall not turn the sands of time
  6. Thou shall not open our world to things outside of it"
- From The Codes of Magic, by the Magisterium

As some might note, these laws seem to be broken frequently by the Magisterium themselves, especially during the Iron Wars, where they have seemingly broken all but the 5th law, or so we presume. However, in the many addenda contained within the Codes, some notable exceptions are found. Addendum 2, paragraph states that, " a case of emergency, for the preservation of the mortal in question or in an act of self-defense, the Codes of 1 through 3, are subject to leniency, when determining judgement.". This leniency can, if properly proved, usually by testimony of witnesses or victims, render the punishment null and void. Addendum 39, added years later, contains similar notions but concerns to exception in times of warfare. The 4th Code can be circumvented by help of a post-cessation-continuation clause, or as they are sometimes called, a bone bond. The 6th Code, does not stop the summoning of creatures from other planes, it merely hinders the creation of portals, through which they can freely travel and stay - contrary to most conjuration, which lasts for a set, and limited, amount of time.
Invention by Unknown


The Dangers of Mind Control by Unknown

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