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The University

"I'm impressed kid! No really! You have no need shuffling your feet like that, it happens to everyone, or well not everyone, but you get what I'm saying, right? I have seen a lot of Snaps in my time - but damn! Usually you would blast someone off their feet with a gust of wind, perhaps if you are truly gifted, or particularly angry, you could conjure a Minor Entity - I have even seen someone make a complete Personal Transformation - but this! How the hell did you come up with making someone magnetic? Genius! I mean, it was a shame it was right next to the kitchen, but he'll recover!"
- from Snapping: trauma or talent?, a conversation between the Master Transmuter and a newly Snapped student

"It pleases me to inform you all, that the threat of the ominous dark shape lurking near the harbor has been dealt with expertly by our trainee team of cryptozoologists. It turned out to be a confused Swavain Basilisk, which had been trapped a bit too close to shore. This means that our Gauntlet of Tempo can continue as planned - unfortunately the team "Speedy Sea Snakes", will not be able to participate, as their petrified bodies are being recovered from beneath the waves... but without further ado, get on your marks!"
- informational speech by Quelia Uax'elas, Magi of Erudition, on the safety of the harbor

The University, located on the island of Arx, is the center of a cross cultural gathering of bright minded individuals, all with the same goal in mind - to learn. Founded by The Magisterium in the year of 213 p.c. many expected it to be a school exclusively teaching magic to a select few. That, however, could not be further from the truth. Even though The Magisterium was partially found for the protection of mages, The University was founded for the betterment of the world, or as Umril Halraker famously put it:

"It is a moral obligation to civilization as a whole - if we merely kept the knowledge to ourselves, what would the knowledge be worth? Nothing. It is through application that knowledge finds its use, not hidden away from the world in dusty tomes, guarded by dusty men."

And for many centuries The University has served this purpose - teaching anyone sufficiently talented for free, and anyone less talented for a bit of coin. And not just modern magic. The University has slowly but surely lured in the greatest experts in various fields of study, such as mathematics, architecture, astronomy, engineering, medicine, artificing and a vast amount of other sciences, and convinced them to stay and teach others. As a result of the immense number of different facilities needed for each of the subjects taught at the University, it quickly became an ever expanding and citylike campus, build amongst the vast woods of Arx.


Teachings of the University:

As the University teaches a vast array of disciplines and subjects a brief oversight of these is provided. The disciplines have been separated into three categories - the worldly arts, modern magic and interdisciplinary practices. Often a student will choose to pursue both a discipline from within the worldly arts, as well, as one from within modern magic, if they are capable of doing so, combining the two in an interdisciplinary practice. Some, if they are not sufficiently magically endowed, but still has some power, will choose to pursue interdisciplinary practices, like artificing or specialize themselves in one of the worldly arts, becoming unparalleled masters in it. The same applies to some of the magically endowed students, who chooses to only study a discipline from within modern magic.

The worldly arts:

The worldly arts covers a large amount disciplines, all of which require no magic to pursue. Here are some examples of what are considered worldly arts:

  Medicine. The understanding of the anatomy of the different humanoid races and how to treat them best. This art has many interdisciplinary application, one of the most famous being the Rockflesh Procedure.

Linguistics and rhetoric. The study of languages along with the knowledge of how to have and create valid arguments. The knowledge of how to pronounce different verbal components of spell, is also found here and is essential in modern magic - at least if one does not wish to blow one's self up.

Mathematics. The systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. Essential to almost all other disciplines.

Engineering. The study of how to find practical applications for pure arts, such as physics or chemistry, and enable the construction of various machines and buildings, such as bridges, walls and the like.

Botany. The study of plants. Under this lies the study of magical plants as well.

Modern magic:

Modern magic, an art thought lost, but rediscovered after the end of The Whelmstorm, is a pathway to many abilities, most of them unnatural - at least if viewed through the mundane natural laws. What was first thought to be a chaotic creature, with no way of being controlled, turned out to be an immensely complicated system, that if handled properly, was a mighty tool. As modern magic was being rediscovered, the need for classification arose, birthing the schools of modern magic, each school having its own sub-disciplines. More on them, can be found here:
Modern Magic
Technology / Science | May 31, 2020

The University quickly found out that, not all schools had the same capacity for benevolence - or at least, that some had a greater talent for destruction than others, therefore not all schools of magic are taught to the same degree.
The following are taught with little to no restriction:

Loreseeker by Chazillah
  • Transmutation, served as a basis for the rediscovery of modern magic, so it is an essential part of any University-educated mage. It is widely considered one of the most useful schools of magic do to it's sheer utility - it is rare to come across a wizard, who does not praise transmutation and its simple practicality.
  • Divination. Since the power of modern magic relies so heavily on knowledge it is no wonder that divination is one of the most taught schools. However, the implications of seeking knowledge without care or morality, are subjects taught alongside with this school, as both peeking through clothes and contacting mind breaking entities, are activities that should be discouraged.
  • Abjuration, is an helpful tool to any mage, whether it is used to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the arcane itself, shield one from an explosion, or simply untangle a messy spell. For every spell taught at the University, a counterspell is taught alongside it - their philosophy being, that it is better to be safe than sorry. Mastery of the school is also encouraged if one wishes to beat the startling high mortality rate of mages.
  • Illusion, may not have the best of reputation, but is incredibly useful nonetheless, especially against those not trained in modern magic. Some restrictions are laid upon the spells that directly affect the minds of others, as that would violate the second code of magic, but generally illusion is recognized as a useful and practical form of magic.
The following schools of magic have restrictions, some more severe than others, each detailed at the end of the description.
Portal of Sanctuary by Vargasni
  • Conjuration, is one of the most advanced and prestigious school of magic - unfortunately it is also one of the most dangerous. Many gifted minds have accidentally teleported themselves into walls or volcanoes and as a result the study of conjuration is extremely well supervised. The imminent danger of bringing things from the outside into this plane, is also an everlasting burden that every conjurer has to face, constantly risking a visit from the ominous Wardens.
    RESTRICTIONS: Conjuration is not part of the basic curriculum, and is only taught to those who show a natural aptitude towards it. Additionally, most Entity-Summoning conjuration spells that are taught, have a fail-safe build into them, which will make sure that the creature summoned can not stay indefinitely.
  • Evocation, is a heavily debated school of magic within the University. Some of the basic principles of energy manipulation are both practical and necessary for any mage to learn, but the destructive spells, generally classified as Battle Magic, are not taught freely. Nevertheless, some of the most basic and nonlethal Battle Magic are taught as a means of self-defence.
    RESTRICTIONS: Those that wish to pursue higher levels of evocation magic, most of which has so immense destructive potential, that it has been classified as Battle Magic, are allowed to do so, but are also required to serve in the Army of the Magisterium, for a number of years. This both enables the Army of the Magisterium to have a constant supply of Evokers and Artillerists, as well as ensuring that the people wielding such deadly magic learn that war and destruction are not things to be taken lightly.
  • Necromancy, though often spoken ill off when referenced in old text, is fairly harmless unless the caster wishes otherwise - therefore the theoretical part of necromancy is taught pretty freely. The practical magic, however, is taught with great care as malignant spirits can infect the creation of any undead, especially if the caster is inexperienced.
    RESTRICTIONS: The art of necromancy enables the caster to create loyal servants, willing to die for their caster without a moment of hesitation, but they are not trained killers, and therefore not very effective in warfare. This, however, can be changed with the right incantations, which are taught in exchange for service in the Bone Cohorts of the Army of the Magisterium.
  • Enchantment, is, of all the schools of modern magic, the most feared and least taught at all. The only things taught of enchantment at the University is some basic theory, so that mages can recognize enchantment, when they see it, along with some pretty rudimentary defensive procedures. Despite of this, there are rumors, that perhaps some are being taught the magic of the mind, though, by nature of the magic, it is hard to find out.
    RESTRICTIONS: The practical magic of the school of enchantment is not taught at all, especially after the incident of the Whisper Kings. The zero tolerance policy means, that suspicion of the use of this magic, will immediately be brought to the attention of the Wardens, and if one is found guilty, a sentence of death is not unusual, but in cases of mishaps or accidents, expulsion is more common.

Interdisciplinary practices:

There were many that worried, that since the University was founded by mages, the primary focus of teaching would always be modern magic, to the detriment of the other subjects. This was not a worry without hold in reality as it became apparent early on, that the magically endowed thought less of those less obviously powerful. Since that to prevent this, was one of the prime responsibilities of the Magi of Erudition, it was not acceptable. So as a part of unifying the two sides, the research into interdisciplinary magic was initiated - and the results were startling. Where people previously thought that mundane sciences and magical practices were mutually exclusive, the benefit of the combination of the two, proved that they both became better by supporting each other, raising each art to new heights. As a result a multitude of new interdisciplinary studies were created, the following being examples of such:
  Artificing. By combining modern magic with different crafts such as smithing, carpentry and tinkering the construction of magical items, tethered as well as contained, became a reality. It was a simple way of those with less sheer magical power, but plenty of brains, to create wonders of magic and hard work.
  Alchemy. This was less of a new discipline, but more of a return to and revision of an old one - alchemy. The combination of the principles of transmutation with chemistry, laid the groundwork for the rediscovery of modern magic by presenting the aforementioned principles, and thereby providing a framework from which the unknown phenomena that modern magic was, could be understood. However in the revision of it, it became an advanced version of chemistry focused on using magical herbs as well as elements from fantastical creatures, to create powerful potions and elixirs along with other useful concoctions.

Worldshaping. The renowned worldshapers were also founded during this time. In the combination of architectural and engineering prowess and extremely advanced transmutation magic a guild of unique mages were born, capable of raising enormous, sometimes physically impossible, constructions in mere hours. Although still within the University, their secrecy and exclusivity, were at first a concern, but with the realisation of why it was a necessity, it became accepted. For the truth is that worldshaping, has the potential to be a far more dangerous weapon than any evocation.
Worldshaper by Adzerak

With the new interdisciplinary focus, the worldly sciences became much more appreciated, and subsequently modern magic became less feared and more broadly accepted.  

Snapping - shaping of a mind

The Abandonment of Doubt by Justin Christenbery

"In the interest of saving time I'm going to be quite frank with you, what was it? ... Oh yeah, Frank! What was is saying..? Argh! Have you or have you not snapped? Because otherwise Frank, you aren't that frightfully capable, are you?"
- Master of Mathematics to a potential student during the annual Appraisal

There are multiple way to achieve the capacity for magic. How one does it through old magic is relatively unknown, but it was supposedly only bestowed upon a select few from things beyond the material world. Primal magic comes from an inborn source of magic or a spiritual connection with the base forces that governs the world, both allowing the harnessing of magic to a certain extent. However, what is the case for modern magic? An aspiring wizard is no different from any other mortal, at least magically speaking, or that is, until their first Snap. For to harness the magical energy used in spells a practitioner of modern magic must modify and re-shape the way their mind is fundamentally build, creating space within themselves, which the magical energy then floods and fills. This process is, as suggested by its name, Snapping, not very pleasant. For the process to take place the practitioner must be placed under extreme duress or be subject to raging emotions, but more importantly, they must truly wish to change the world, or that it is somehow unfair, and that their version might be better. By enforcing their will upon the world, while their head is pressed to the brink with stress, their mind breaks, just a little, and there becomes room for magic. This sudden vacuum needing to be filled by magic often results in an implosion of Wild Magic, and can be dangerous. Mostly though, it is kept fairly contained by the will of the newly Snapped individual, their intent guiding it.

The implication of this seems to be that everyone should be able to learn and harness Modern Magic, nevertheless it is not the case for a multitude of reasons. Firstly not everyone has the mentality needed, questioning the very fairness of the universe, and audacity to act on it. Secondly, a certain degree of intellect seems to a prerequisite for the Snapping to occur, some suggest that the supposed higher inherently the mental complexity found in an individual of remarkable intelligence is a necessity when reshaping the mind to be a vessel for magic, but the exact reason has yet to be determined. Lastly, a final obstacle - sometimes all the boxes are checked and yet the Snap will not occur, for no apparent reason, and to this there is no explanation.

A final note that should be made when dealing with Snapping is that it is an ongoing process - most practitioners do not simply Snap once, but does it continually, which enables them to store and handle progressively larger quantities of energy. There are, however, some side-effects with varying severity. Some of the most obvious are the physical alteration that occur to long time practitioners above a certain threshold of magical capacity - longer lifespans for some of the more short lived races, ears becoming more pointy, eyes gaining clearer colour and a distaste for pineapples. The most severe changes, however, are those that happen to the mind, where there are an increase in cases of depression, psychotic breaks, reckless behavior and vivid hallucinations. More on this can be found here:

The question that arise from the above is: how does a school in which Modern Magic is taught, ensure the potential or continued Snapping of their students, without creating a directly hostile environment? The University quickly found 2 solutions to this. The first was to keep the Snappings off-site. Many of the students that wish to be taught Modern Magic have already had their first Snap, when they arrive at the University, for many it is what brings them their. However, as Snapping is an ongoing process, the need for new situations of duress quickly arose, leading to the faculty of the University encouraging students to take a break from their studies and take some time travelling - preferably in small groups to keep an element of danger. Although it was a successful initiative to some extent, it also resulted in a bit of a death toll and disappearances. In 237 p.c. the University, in an effort to combat this unfortunate trend, held the first Gauntlets - daring and dangerous competitions of skill, wit and cunning - to great success. This method of Snapping proved safer and largely more effective, while also drawing the attention of the outside world, who, in time also would be allowed to participate to some degree.

The Appraisal - the cost of tutelage

"Knowledge must always have a price... if you sacrifice nothing, spill no blood, cry no tears, then what are the tools to the very fabric of the universe, but a mere afterthought to your achievements? Then what are your achievements, but easy earned pennies in your beggar's life? Rise up, take control, fight for what is yours, claim it! And with that I'll announce that the Annual Appraisal will begin in a weeks time... Oh hush! It is not like it's a surprise!"  
- informational speech by Quelia Uax'elas, Magi of Erudition, to the disgruntlement of the students

Annually, at the start of every school year, the University holds, what is commonly referred to as, the Appraisal. Every student and every applicant to the school is assigned a time slot in a roughly two week time period, in which they must come before the masters of the University and prove themselves in various subjects. Although all masters will attend, only masters with a specialization particular to the subjects the student is studying wil ask questions. For new applicants a general test will be had instead, testing their skills in a broad spectrum of subjects, but while taking note of any particular skill sets the applicant might have, and lead the questions in that direction. Whether the applicant has Snapped is also part of this inquiry. Then, depending on the quality of their performance, a fee is set for the year. The truly skilled and hard working can go for free, while the less skilled can pay the fee, but no one is turned away, although their fee might be astronomical. These fees are a small part of the money needed to run the school, but serve more as a token - a lesson in the value of knowledge.

The student culture at the University around the time of the Appraisal vary drastically from the norm. During this time, there is an increase in the circulation of performance enhancing drugs and herbs like Bellcleaver, Rippleleaf and others like them. Additionally, the time slots can be exchanged with others, resulting in a lot of black market trading between desperate students. It is unlikely, that the University's faculty is not aware of this, but if so, they choose to turn a blind eye to it. The behavior of the students might seem extreme to some, but for the students, that come from poorer families, anything less than a perfect result, can result in them being send home as they cannot afford the tuition fee. This is an issue that the current Magi of Erudition, Quelia Uax'elas, has been very vocal about, stating, that "If money was a gateway to brilliance, there wouldn't be so many fools with gold in their pockets, would there?". During her last 40 years as Magi of Erudition, the number of students having to leave the schools due to financial troubles have fallen drastically, which most credit to her being an outstanding Magi, although the exact explanation to why, is unknown.

Many have criticized the Appraisal for creating an exclusive environment - contrary to the ideals the University was founded on and they might be right. To even pass the initial Appraisal with a workable fee, the applicant needs quite a bit of knowledge and training, which can be hard to get outside of the University. For this reason the University started a pre-Appraisal program, where applicants can be tutored in the months leading up to the Appraisal by students already at the University. This costs nothing the first time, but if the applicant doesn't get in, or rather, can't afford the tuition fee after their Appraisal, the pre-Appraisal program next year year, will have a slight price.


Masters of the University by Belegilgalad
The University has a quite simple structure, which is as follows:
Magi of Erudition. The Magi holds ultimate responsibility for the school and acts as the dean of the University.
Master. The title of Master is granted to every teacher at the university, followed by what they are teaching. The one who teaches transmutation might be called Master Transmuter or Master of Transmutation, while the latter being more frequently used.
  Student. Within the students there is an hierarchy based upon seniority, but also the advancement in one's education, which are as follows:
  • Ti'lar. At this time the student is encouraged to try out a lot of different things, to try and gauge what they might be interested in.
  • Atir. The student has found something that interests them and dives into the subject and chooses to specialize in a subject.
  • Elon. This face consists of a lot of independent work, where the student works to complete a study or project within their subject.
When these faces are complete, the student is officially University-educated and gets a diploma. The amount of time this takes vary greatly but it is usually at least 5 years.


Due to the danger and sometimes chaos associated with the magic that suffuses both the University and Arx, the island itself, the students and teachers have adopted a bit of laid-back attitude concerning injuries and bodily harm - as long as you don't die, you'll probably be fine. This becomes especially apparent in the Gauntlets held through the school year.
The laid-back attitude does not, however, extend to their studies. These they pursue with deadly seriousness and respect. Together these two aspects create individuals both bold and reckless, yet determined, intelligent and self-dependent. This last aspect is highly priced as, although the Masters teach and tutor, a large part of the education comes from the students own studies and reading.
Lastly, the social aspect, keystone to any culture. One might think that a collection of academics might be a boring bunch, or that the multicultural nature of the school would hinder friendships or, that the academic competition between brilliant peers might create conflict, but that isn't, at least for the most part, the case. The students of the school have a very close knit bond, even after graduating - many of them travelling the world together in the years after the University. The faculty also does its best to reinforce these bonds between their students, as they are practical from a diplomatic standpoint. They do this by creating an environment that breed social connection by having bars and café's in select parts of the campus. The proximity to the University also results in the liquor being more "interesting", some local favorites being "Djinn & Tonic", "Bloody Marillith" and "Shifter's Shine".

Public Agenda

"It is through application that knowledge finds its use, not hidden away from the world in dusty tomes, guarded by dusty men. Therefore the dusty men must teach. Easy words to say, harder to follow and yet that is our intend, for the betterment of the world - may it be whole once more"  
-Umril Halraker, member of the original Circle

To provide knowledge and the wisdom to use it right - that is the very simple foundation on which the University was built. However, they are selective in who is to receive this knowledge, as only the brilliant and the rich can attend the school making the University very exclusive, which seems contrary to their original ideals. Many argue, that this exclusivity is well warranted - no matter the subject one studies at the University it could be dangerous in the hands of the malicious or stupid. There are however those that criticize The Magisterium for using the University to control the circulation of knowledge in the Great Archipelago. This critique is usually met with references to the fact that the Winged Library in Conflux is open, but the argument still has some validity to it.
Another problem and a particular focus of the current Magi of Erudition, Quelia Uax'elas, is that anyone can get into the University if they have enough money, which directly opposes the idea that people unqualified for knowledge should not be allowed in. She has been quoted saying:

"A rich buffon is a buffon nonetheless - I will not have them filling my school wit their dimwittedness, while brilliant applicants are thrown on the street because they lack a few slivers of gold to their name. What is all this power for, if not to change reality to something better? If we can alter matter, why not pointless rules?
- Quelia Uax'Elas on the topic of the Appraisal.

Arx - the junction of lines

Arx by Tohad
"To say that these lands are strange would be an understatement... the magic that runs beneath this earth, through this air, in these waters have twisted and altered these lands. This island is a deadly and beautiful work of primeval art created with tools of old power."
Some think that the placement of the University was due to it being centered in the Great Archipelago, and although that is part of the reason, it is not the entire answer. The truth is that Arx is at the center of multiple crossing ley-lines, making it a junction of powerful primal energies. The effects that these energies have on the land are remarkable, ranging from enhanced growth of plants and beasts, to small floating islands dotting the northern wilderness of the isle. Large parts of Arx are yet to be explored as the island can be quite dangerous as the ancient magic that suffuse it makes both people, creatures, plants and the island itself more... strange. So while the University, which lies at the south of the isle, benefits from having plenty of ambient magic, it is also placed there as a vanguard against the wilderness of the northern part of the island.
Founding Date
213 p.c.
Educational, School/Academy
Leader Title
Parent Organization

Player Background
University Student

You are a student at the University and have gained access either through the brilliance of your mind or the gold in your family's pocket. At the University you have been taught by the absolute best in a variety of subjects, whether they be of the worldly arts or modern magic. But your pursuit of the secrets of Artil is now threatened by a call to adventure. Is your magic lacking the power it used to, and you desperately need to Snap? Do you feel a lack of inspiration in your engineering homework and long for the architectural wonders of the City of Glass?
  Through the University you have gained a multitude of skills, perhaps being a studious researcher, able to pour through stacks of scrolls in no time and walk through the maze of the Archives with ease in search of ancient knowledge. Maybe you are ingenious inventor, creating fantastical devices or a healer in learning, creating medical concoctions and tending wounds with a steady hand. Perhaps you are an aspiring wizard in search of the power to bend reality to your will? Nevertheless, the University has shaped your mind to be intelligent, self-dependent, cunning and force to be reckoned with for any who would oppose you.
  Skill proficiencies: Your choice of two from among Arcana, History, Investigation and Persuasion.
Tool proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools.
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools (your choice), a set of common clothes, a University student name tag (used for identification and clearing access), a writing kit (small pouch with a quill, ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife), and a belt pouch containing 10gp.
Feature: Student Access
Since you are a student at the University, you gain access to otherwise restricted areas like the Archives, and have a better starting point when interacting with anyone part of the University and some parts of the Magisterium. In addition to free access to the Archives, you can also use any of the facilities the University has to offer, including various work-stations with almost any tool kit, where materials are supplied for free as long as their cost aren't exorbitant or you have a valid argument for needing them (DM's discretion). If the University has any stations or the like outside the actual campus you can also use those if the faculty allows so.

The Gauntlets

In the year of 237 p.c. the University held the first set of Gauntlets. The Gauntlets are a series of varying tests and challenges, with the only commonality being that they are dangerous. Designed to Snap students and thereby unlock their magical potential they are full of stressful scenarios, usually to be dealt with in competing groups. They are held 3 to 6 times a year, and the same concept is rarely repeated twice in a year. Some of the Gauntlets that have been held over the years are:  
  • Gauntlet of Tempo: A contest of speed. This Gauntlet keeps returning in many shapes and forms, but always revolves almost solely around speed. It is, essentially, a race, whether by boat, foot, creature or some automaton. Usually the different groups are encouraged to sabotage the other groups during the race to up the ante.
  • Gauntlet of Search: A contest of searching. This Gauntlet is a favorite amongst the students and can take place over a long time, as it is usually an elaborate treasure hunt created by the faculty.
  • Gauntlet of Skill: A contest of varying skills. This gauntlet is usually set up in a tournament-like fashion, where the groups can compete in different skills, examples being: magical or non-magical combat, craftsmanship, arguments, stand-up performance or singing.
To incentivise participation a small price is often presented. In 467 p.c. the first non-students were allowed to compete, as a group of Tindarian sorcerers, found the games hilarious and wanted to join, not knowing it wasn't the norm. Since then, outsiders have more frequently been allowed to participate.  

People of interest

The University is home to many interesting individuals, here are some of them:  
  • Magi of Erudition, Quelia Uax'elas is a female half-elf. She is a tall woman with long white hair, usually braided with wires of copper. Her eyes are a startling light blue and seems to pierce every secret one may attempt to hide. She has been the Magi of Erudition for almost 40 years, and have taken the job with utmost sincerity. When near her, she constantly radiates a presence of being in control leading many to think of her to be stern and cold. Despite what people might think, she has shown great care in regards to the students and the University in general. Lastly, she has a tendency to speak her mind, no matter what people might think - a ability valued by some and feared by more.
  • Master Artificer, Willtow Oli'arw is a tall muscular male wood elf, with wild brown hair held back in a bun and deep entirely black eyes. He runs the Artificery with a steel hand, and offers work in there to those that want it. A man of few words, believing actions speak more loudly than words. If one wishes to impress him, present a fascinating contraption and after some time of inspecting it he might listen to what you have to say. His wild wood elf heritage and big size lead many to believe that perhaps he has a dull mind, which could not be further from the truth - being the one to invent the fundamental techniques of Wind Catching, which would lead Olik Galendorff to invent Galetech. In addition to this, he has multiple other patents credited to his name.
  • Head Librarian, Ertros is a strange being, which he himself calls a vedalken. He is tall, bald, has blue skin which is covered by white symbols, and deep set eyes with a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles framing them. He is said to know every location of every book in the Archives, which has yet to be disproven. When engaged in conversation he is delighted to discuss intricate details of almost any subject, but can be exhausting to speak with for extended amounts of time, as he can obsess over minute details. Nobody knows where he came from, but just arrived at the University one day.

Places of interest

The campus of the University is littered with curios and wondrous locations, some of which are:  
  • The Archives is the enormous library of the University. It is largely located underground, an ever descending maze of bookcases, the only thing breaching the surface being the marble staircase leading down. Navigating the Archives can be hard even though there are plenty of maps, and it is not uncommon for new students to disappear for a week after which they emerge with a haunted look in their eyes. If it is needed, a librarian can help locate a book, but there are many students compared to the number of librarians and if speed is desired, one should learn to navigate in the depths themself. Bringing light in there can be problematic, as flames are banned, and Firequench spells laid out through the maze. As a result, a decent Everlasting Lamp or a basic light spell is often necessary. Lastly, the students are not alone down there. For creatures made by the Head Librarian crawl through the darkness, guarding the books and making sure that students don't go near the restricted sections. Little is known of their appearance, but they are said to have an appetite for Bookwyrms, and have been comically named by the students of the University, as the Crawlies.
  • The Everywhen is one the shops located at the University. The owner, James Everywhen, a handsome young human male with all white hair, is a brilliant conjurer and has created a spatial gateway which serves as the front door of the store, meaning that no matter which of his shops (it is a franchise) you enter, you end up in the same store. The interior of the store, which seemingly doesn't adhere to normal laws of geometry, holds multiple different magical items that adventurers have sold him, which he then is willing to sell. He also has some products of his own creation. Working around the store are multiple demons and devils, and behind the encounter is a surly arcanaloth, named Archibald. If asked how they came to work here, they will reveal that all of them have been cheated by Mr. Everywhen in different deals, resulting in their eternal servitude.
  • Mcingbergs is on of the favored watering holes of the students of the University. A large tavern with heavy wooden furniture and run by the 3 generations of Mcingberg dwarfs, and their adopted son Jim, a 8 foot tall goliath, who insists he is a dwarf (a delusion the students happily indulge). They serve high quality ale, brewed in the back, as well as magically enhanced cocktails for those that feel daring. Their food, especially their steak, is amazing.
  • The Playground, with the actual name the Practice Ground, is an enormous outdoor area spanning the entire campus. The need for testing different magic, artificing or something of the like breeds the need for areas where you can just let loose something and see what happens and the Playground is just that. Stone pillars might rise from the earth in one area, golden hoops floating in the air somewhere else and then a third place gravity might just be slightly skewed. There is always someone on Playground duty, whether it be an older student or a part of the faculty, there is always someone to fix you up if your stuck in the form of a whale (which has happened more than once).

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Cover image: The University by Adam Paquette

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