Radiant Synthesion
Holy Texts
The primary holy text is called the "Luminous Harmony." It teaches about the synergy between Helios and Selene, emphasizing the importance of embracing both qualities to lead a fulfilling life. The "Ecliptic Chronicles" is another revered text, containing stories of Helios and Selene's collaboration throughout history.Structure
Radiant Synthesis is organized into a network of temples known as "Celestial Sanctuaries." These sanctuaries offer services that cater to the balance of both deities, and priests, called "Radiant Keepers," oversee rituals and spiritual guidance.
Followers of Radiant Synthesis believe in the harmonious coexistence of Helios and Selene, seeing them as complementary forces in the cosmos. They promote balance, unity, and the idea that both deities contribute equally to the world's order.
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