
Helios is a majestic and radiant deity, often depicted riding a chariot across the sky, pulling the sun behind him. He is the embodiment of light, providing warmth, illumination, and energy to the world. Helios represents renewal, justice, bravery, and strength.  

Philosophical Influences of Helios

  • Accept and endure challenges while remaining committed to moral principles and acting in harmony with the natural order. [Real-life inspried by Stoicism]
  • Focus on seeking truth, knowledge, and the pursuit of justice. Followers of Helios might strive to uncover higher truths and participate in the ideal forms of justice, guided by the light of reason and understanding. [Real-life inspired by Platonism]
  • Virtue Ethics: The emphasis on cultivating virtues, such as courage, justice, and wisdom, aligns with virtue ethics. The followers of Helios might strive to develop these qualities within themselves, considering them essential for leading a meaningful and righteous life.
  • Emphasize the importance of individual agency, personal growth, and the belief in human potential to bring about positive change in the world through acts of bravery, justice, and enlightenment. [Real-life inspired by Humanism]

Common Religious Practices of Heliocentric Beliefs


Worship the Sun

Followers of Helios revere and worship the sun as the physical embodiment of their deity. Daily rituals involve prayers or offerings made at sunrise or sunset to honor the divine power of light.  

Pursuit of Truth and Justice

Helios leads his followers to uphold fairness, honesty, and truth in all aspects of life. They would strive to act as beacons of righteousness, promoting justice, and fighting against injustice and oppression.  

Courage and Bravery

The religion of Helios emphasizes the cultivation of courage and bravery in the face of adversity. Followers are encouraged to confront their fears, display valor, and protect those in need.  

Illumination and Enlightenment

Helios, as the god of light, would inspire his followers to seek knowledge, enlightenment, and personal growth. They would value education, wisdom, and the pursuit of understanding, considering the light of knowledge as a means to navigate the world. In doing so, they pay honor and respect to Selene, as they recognize that: Through her domain they transform themselves to pass through the dim night and enlighten themselves by morning's light.  

Guardianship and Protection

Helios' religion advocates for the protection of the weak, vulnerable, and innocent. His followers are expected to act as guardians and defenders, shielding others from harm and ensuring their safety.  

Unity and Harmony

The worship of Helios promotes unity and cooperation among its followers. They would be encouraged to work together, overcome differences, and foster harmonious relationships within their communities.  

Sacred Fire and Rituals

Fire, particularly the sunlight, would hold special significance in the religion of Helios. Ceremonial fires, purification rituals, and symbolic representations of the sun's rays might feature prominently in their religious practices.
Divine Classification


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