Solar Dominion

Holy Texts

The main holy text is the "Sunfire Codex," which details the power and dominion of Helios over all things. Another important scripture is the "Dawn's Testament," which discusses the importance of embracing Helios's strength.


Solar Dominion is organized around grand cathedrals known as "Solar Citadels." These citadels are led by "Solar Hierarchs" who oversee religious rites, and their faith centers on devotion to Helios.


Solar Dominion followers firmly believe that Helios is the supreme deity, and Selene is a secondary force that supports Helios's reign. They emphasize values such as justice, strength, and valor, seeking to emulate these traits in their daily lives.


The Solar Dominion is the forthright religon within Avalora, with the Sunfire Citadel resting mere blocks away from the Castle of Do. The Solar Dominon hold much wealth and assets given to them by their followers in the capital and abroad.

Mythology & Lore

The Solar Dominion believes that Helios is the supreme being guiding Arvandor. Helios stands for strength and justice. Bringing his peace with his holy flame.

Divine Origins

The church was formed shortly after the reaping. Studied followers cite the evidence of a mighty god who led many battles to fight against the reaping and save the continent of Arvandor.

Cosmological Views

The Solar Domino believes that the worlds was created by Helios, the source of all light, warmth and life are a gift from Helios himself. The world is a place of duality, there is good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos. It is the duty of all worshippers of Helios to appreciate the beauty of the world and care for it wisely.

Tenets of Faith

Stoicism Accept and endure challenges while remaining committed to moral principles and acting in harmony with the natural order.


Focus on seeking truth, knowledge, and the pursuit of justice. Followers of Helios might strive to uncover higher truths and participate in the ideal forms of justice, guided by the light of reason and understanding.


Emphasize the importance of individual agency, personal growth, and the belief in human potential to bring about positive change in the world through acts of bravery, justice, and enlightenment.

Virtue Ethics

The emphasis on cultivating virtues, such as courage, justice, and wisdom, aligns with virtue ethics. The followers of Helios might strive to develop these qualities within themselves, considering them essential for leading a meaningful and righteous life.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Church of Helios
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