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Blaharjir, the Azure Leviathan

Blaharjir is a powerful deity worshipped by a zealous cult that seeks to flood Arvendorith in its quest for an ideal world. The followers of Blaharjir believe that the god created the world by stirring the ocean with his powerful fins, and that the Blue Shark still commands the seas and all its creatures to this day. Blaharjir is said to be an immense shark-like creature, with piercing blue eyes and a shimmering silver hide that reflects the light like rippling water.   The cult views Blaharjir as a merciful god who punishes those who oppose the divine will of the Blue Shark. His followers see themselves as chosen ones, who will be rewarded for their loyalty with a place in the new world order that Blaharjir will create. The cultists perform elaborate rituals and sacrifices to appease the deity by flooding certain parts of the world, believing that their actions will hasten the coming of the flood that will cleanse the world of all that is impure and corrupt.   To the followers of Blaharjir, there is no gray area between good and evil. Those who do not embrace the cult's teachings are seen as obstacles to be overcome, and the cultists will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The cult sees the flood not as a destructive force, but as a necessary step in the creation of a perfect world where Blaharjir's will is done.  


Due to this very black and white vision of the world, the cult will exile any cult member who does share their vision. This results oftentimes in exiled members starting up new cults, worshipping their vision of the Azure Leviathan.    
The Everlasting Hunger
One of these sees Him as the Everlasting Hunger and criticizes the main group for daring to sacrifice only already deceased creatures and valuables. For them, this is an insult for His hunger can only be (momentarily) satisfied with living flesh. In their rituals, the followers of The Hunger take a tooth from their conquered enemies, degrading them to be prey instead of hunter. These teeth are engraved with eldritch symbols through which the boons of their patron can be channelled and hung on long necklaces which they wear pridefully.    
The Watcher in the Dark
The so-called watchers worship the deep seas and all the unknown that may lurk within more than the Azure Leviathan himself. They see the holy mission of the main cult as misguided for they believe the world should not be plunged into water but darkness, for then the Unknown can be unleashed upon the world. Because of this devotion to the darkness, they despise the light and are most known for their raids on temples of Sun gods. Not much is known about them for they stick close to the shadows, living in sewers, dungeons and basements, inducting creatures of the nights into their belief and thus having a large influence among vampires, ghouls, werewolves, etc
Religious, Cult


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