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Nogginsby is a bustling trade city located on the western coast of the continent. Its architecture is a mix of different styles and eras, reflecting its rich history and diverse population. The city is famous for its lively marketplaces, shady alleys, and hidden courtyards.   In the heart of Nogginsby lies the prestigious Arcane Academy , which draws students from all over the world to study the magical arts. The academy is a sprawling complex of towers, libraries, and laboratories, and its scholars are respected as some of the greatest minds in the realm.   However, beneath the surface of the city lies a darker side. Shady guilds, corrupt officials, and criminal enterprises all vie for power and influence. The city watch struggles to keep order, and rumors of dark magic and otherworldly creatures abound. Despite these dangers, Nogginsby remains a city of opportunity, where anyone with the right skills and connections can make a fortune or a name for themselves.


Nogginsby was founded over a thousand years ago by a powerful wizard named Jorik Wizzard. Jorik was a wise and just ruler, beloved by his people for his magical abilities and his fair governance.   Jorik was succeeded by his son, Orlanthus, who was also a skilled wizard. Orlanthus expanded Nogginsby's borders and helped establish the city as a hub of magical knowledge and learning.   After Orlanthus' death, the throne passed to his daughter, Ilyra. Ilyra was a skilled diplomat and was instrumental in establishing trade agreements with neighboring kingdoms. However, her reign was also marked by political turmoil and unrest among the common people, who were growing increasingly discontent with the monarchy.   At first the people of Nogginsby planned on finding a new king by way of pulling a magical sword out of a stone, the wielder of which would gain the title of Royal Ruler. They were planning on using a magical sword that had already been passed down for generations in the royal bloodline, said to have been enchanted by Jorik himself. This, however, didn't work out, as they had no idea how to put the sword in a stone in the first place.   As a result, Ilyra eventually agreed to a compromise with the people and helped transition Nogginsby from a monarchy to a democratic government. This was a major turning point in the city's history and helped establish Nogginsby as a beacon of freedom and progress in the magical world.   In the years since the transition to democracy, Nogginsby has continued to thrive and grow, with its people working together to build a better future for all. Despite occasional political disagreements and power struggles, the citizens of Nogginsby remain committed to their democratic ideals and the greater good of their city.


In Nogginsby, there is an organization known as the Nogginsby Guard, which is responsible for maintaining law and order within the city. The Guard is made up of a variety of different departments, each with its own responsibilities and areas of expertise. Some of the most notable departments include:   The City Watch: Responsible for patrolling the streets and maintaining order in the city's more densely populated areas.   The River Patrol: Responsible for keeping the city's waterways safe and free from criminal activity.   The Guild Enforcement Unit: Responsible for investigating and enforcing regulations related to the various guilds and their activities.   The Magic Division: Responsible for investigating and regulating the use of magic within the city.   The Beast Control Unit: Responsible for dealing with dangerous creatures that might pose a threat to the citizens of Nogginsby.   Together, these departments work to keep Nogginsby safe and prosperous, and their efforts are greatly appreciated by the citizens of the city.


Nogginsby is a bustling city with a well-developed infrastructure. The streets are paved with cobblestones and lined with lampposts that provide light throughout the night. The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique atmosphere and architecture.   Nogginsby is built on black loam, broadly, but it is mostly built on itself; pragmatic citizens simply built on top of the existing buildings rather than excavate them out as the river flooded and the sediment grew too high.   In the center of the city is the Arcane Academy, a towering structure that serves as the hub of magical education and research in the city. Surrounding the academy are several smaller buildings and parks, which make up the Arcane District.   The Merchant District is where most of the city's commerce takes place, with busy streets filled with shops and stalls selling all manner of goods. The district is overseen by the powerful Merchant's Guild.   The Shades is where you'll find most of the unsavoury individuals that reside in Nogginsby. Its namesake is found in the many overhangs and makeshift roofs that cover the street, restricting any light to access the inner parts of the Shades.   The residential areas are divided into several districts, with each area having its own distinct character. Some of the more affluent neighborhoods boast elegant townhouses and spacious gardens, while the less well-off areas have more modest homes and apartments.   The city is connected by a network of canals, which are used for transportation and shipping. The canals are overseen by the Watermen's Guild, which ensures the safety and maintenance of the waterways.


There are many myths surrounding the creation of Nogginsby, though most myths have the common denominator of Jorik Wizzard being involved as one of the first inhabitants.   One myth states that two gods were squabbeling over a small, recently-developed town that showed great promise. They both agreed to give the population a gift, and let the people choose their favourite. The first god, Forgicish, blessed the people with sharp minds and ambition, while the second god, Splooch, gave them large amounts of goo. When Splooch saw that people preferred Forgicish' gift, he cut of his head in an act of jealousy, which turned to stone when it came in contact with the ground. Forgicish' noggin became the foundation upon which ancient Nogginsby was built, though it has since then been buried under many layers of Nogginsby.   Another myth states that the first layout of Nogginsby was made by Jorik himself, being inspired by a dream he had concerning turtles. He quickly began a long journey to finds the perfect spot for his new city, and after finding the spot, he started outlining the first layout of Nogginsby with barley, on account of having eaten all the chalk during his journey. After his work was finished, however, he noticed that there was hardly any barley left, as it had all been eaten by a flock of birds. He also noted that, since the barley had been kept in a warm and wet sack during the journey, most birds died of food poisoning before they could take flight. He decided that the dead birds were a sign that Nogginsby would provide good defenses for years to come, and started building the city on the new outline of dead birds.

Points of interest

Rumour has it that the rooftops of Nogginsby are home to the Tail-Tellers, a special race of talkative cats. They're usually everywhere all at once, and know almost everything that happens in the city. Due to their mischievous nature, however, they're not always very talkative with non-feline people.


The City of Nogginsby Base Map Image


  • The City of Nogginsby
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