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Jorik's Limericks

I hate myself.
  Welcome, adventurers brave! To my home, I'm delighted you gave Please, come on inside And let me provide Some food and drink that your may crave!
  I am Jorrik, the wizard so cursed By a spell that's quite wretched and terse I could only speak rhyme For a very long time But I'll do my best not to make you coerced!
  So come in, sit down, and relax I'll tell you of my cursed tracks And you can share tales Of your own brave travails Over ale and food, that's just the facts!
  Please pardon my rhyming obsession It's a curse that's beyond my discretion But I'll do my best To put it to rest And have normal speech, that's my impression!
  I'm cursed to speak in rhymes all the time, But limericks are hard to make just fine, I try to do my best, But I must confess, Sometimes I mess up the structure and line!
  The curse that has taken my voice, Made me speak only in rhyming noise, Has also done more, made me undead for sure, Now my fate is not one to rejoice.
  I once was a wizard quite great But now it's a pretty sad state My words must all rhyme All the darned blasted time It's a curse I cannot seem to abate!
  A spell I attempted to cast But my limerick curse held me fast Instead of a shout A rhyme came about And my spell was a thing of the past!
  I went to the tavern last night And ordered a drink that's just right But the ale was so strong I burst out in song And sang in limericks until daylight!
  I once tried to break the curse's hold But my attempts were all fruitless and bold I tried every spell But to no avail, do tell And now limericks are all that I'm told!
  Listen up, brave heroes, I say, There's trouble brewing in Nogginsby today, Empress Vesperia is coming, And she won't be just humming, She wants to take over, in every way.
  So be on your guard, and be aware, Her army's strong, and her rule is unfair, But if you can stop her in her quest, We'll have peace and freedom at our best, And your names will be known everywhere!
  Beware of Theodahad, my friends, For his loyalty may be at an end, He's secretly working for Vesperia, And if you're not careful, she'll be near ya, Her grasp on Nogginsby she'll intend.
  So keep your eyes open, and stay wise, For Theodahad's not what he appears in disguise, He's a double agent, a spy, Working for Vesperia on the sly, With her, his allegiance now lies.
  There's a dungeon that's old as can be, Where a cure for my curse waits for me. Through the twists and the turns, Where the light seldom burns, In a chamber where secrets run free.
  There's a dungeon so deep and so dark, Where an artifact lies, that's the mark, To break this rhyme curse, And make words diverse, Its location is where you'll embark.
  Good luck to you, adventurers so bright, May your journey be safe, and full of might, I'll stay here, and I'll pray, That you'll find your way, And bring back that artifact to end my plight.
  To your question, I answer with glee, Yes, I'll help you out, just wait and see, I may speak in rhymes, But I'll be with you through tough times, And we'll face every challenge, you and me.
  If you're asking me, the answer is true, That artifact is what we need to pursue, It can cure my cursed rhymes, And we'll have a great time, Though i fear i can't stick close to you.


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