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The Blastonian Empire

The Blastonian empire to the north of Nogginsby is a vast desert realm known as the Sultanate of Al-Sarif. Its people are primarily human, but there are also a significant number of desert-dwelling halflings and gnomes who have adapted to the harsh environment. The Sultanate is ruled by a hereditary sultan, who holds absolute power and is advised by a council of religious leaders and military commanders.   The people of Al-Sarif are fiercely independent and value their honor above all else. They have a rich tradition of poetry, music, and dance, and many of their cultural practices revolve around hospitality and the exchange of gifts. The capital city of Al-Rashid is a center of learning and culture, renowned for its libraries, universities, and mosques. The people of Al-Sarif are also skilled traders, and the caravans that cross the desert to Nogginsby and other neighboring lands used to be a vital part of their economy, before both parties found each other at other sides of the war.
Geopolitical, Empire


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