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The Havock

The Havock is a modern form of transport, made possible by the engineers in the engineering district of Nogginsby. It resembles a steampowered train, lacking any of the smokestacks commonly found in steam-powered machinery, instead powerd by a large purple crystal of unknown magical origins. Besides being a source of gravitational power, the crystal also provides the interior of the train with a field that nullifies any form of drag on its passengers.   While The Havock is by far the fastest mode of transport known in Arvendorith besides teleportation, this new revolution is not without its limitations. The source of power, if disabled, can cause an immediate failure in the provided safety of its passengers and the mobility of The Havock. The current version of The Havock provides no means of protection to the crystal, which leads to thieves with any magical prowess posing a real threat to the carriage and its passengers.   Besides the lack of safety, The Havock's current rail network only allows transport from Nogginsby to Blackwater, and vice versa. This might change in the future, however, when the uses of this form of transport are shown to the wider public.

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Casualties (thus far): 1


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