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The World Turtle

The World Turtle is a central figure in the mythology of the more devout and extreme sects of Turto worshippers. According to these believers, Arvendorith—the world of their existence—rests upon the back of an enormous, cosmic turtle. This World Turtle, as they call it, is a divine being, created in the earliest days of the universe to bear the weight of mountains, oceans, forests, and all forms of life that populate the world today.   The myth of the World Turtle is not universally accepted across Arvendorith. Instead, it is embraced primarily by the fervent followers of Turto, the god of flipped turtles. These worshippers see the World Turtle as the ultimate expression of their deity's power and protection. For them, the World Turtle represents not just a physical foundation, but a spiritual one—a divine creature carrying the burdens of existence itself.   According to the myths, the World Turtle is said to possess a nervous system made of pure gold and other conductive metals. These materials are believed to provide superior neuroconductivity, allowing nervous signals to travel efficiently across the vast distances of the World Turtle's enormous body. Given its colossal size, it is said that this advanced nervous system is essential for maintaining the creature's functions and coordination.   Believers argue that the golden nervous system is not merely a fantastical detail, but a symbol of divine craftsmanship. The golden nerves are thought to demonstrate the gods' wisdom in using such materials, which, in the minds of the faithful, highlights the creature's divine nature and the importance of communication and connection—key tenets in the teachings of Turto worship.   Furthermore, the golden nerves of the World Turtle are often interpreted as symbols of divine wisdom and connectivity. Followers of Turto believe that just as these nerves connect the vast body of the World Turtle, so too are all living beings connected by invisible threads of fate and destiny. In this way, the World Turtle serves as a constant reminder of the interconnectedness of all life, a core tenet of the more philosophical sects of Turto worship   For the devout, the World Turtle is more than just a physical entity; it is a profound symbol. The notion of a world resting upon the back of a turtle is seen as a metaphor for stability, endurance, and patience. In their view, just as the World Turtle bears the weight of the world on its shell, so too must its inhabitants bear their own burdens with grace and perseverance.


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