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Wyntris Iathrana

Wyntris Iathrana

Physical Description

Special abilities

When prompted or when she has to cross an obstacle, she seems to vanish in thin air, only leaving ripples in the air. She then emerges anywhere within an area of roughly 30 feet in the same manner.

Apparel & Accessories

Big round glasses that make her seem a bit older than she actually is. This is even futher enhanced by the fact that she is frequently seen with a bladed weapon in her hands, the material of which almost resembles sea water from the depths.

Small child, shark cult, problems

View Character Profile
Lawful neutral
Pastel red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue

The Weird Boat
Session 6

Hello again!   Once the others of the group woke up, two other people arrived. One was a devil-man and the other a fairy who also knows magic. The train-people asked us to fix the crystal Aesha broke, and for a lót of money, but we couldn't do it. (I really tried!) Then we went to Blackwater where I got a real platinum coin from an old lady, and it's so shiny! I also fooled a statue maker with my magic who was making a shark out of some crystal. I'm gonna try to bring it home for our shrine, I think Yve is gonna like it, but don't tell him yet, I wanna show him myself. Then we went to a cross on a map that the rhyming skeleton man drew with a small boat. The cross turned out to be a bigger boat, in two pieces. After we did some riddle, it sank into the ground until it hit an underground building that had some magic to protect it from the water. Something I'm gonna look better at when we pass by again, because if more places have this... He won't be happy.... Inside we saw creepy ladies who attacked us but I killed them both in one swoop - sploosh dead! Then some dumb puzzles i didn't understand and a shrine! I gave Him coin and the water started rising!!   Mission completed!

The Haavoq (I think)
Session 5

Hi mom and dad   I got a scouting mission today, some of the big people in the group thought there would be a shrine in the cellar of Theo. And they let me check it out! All on my own! there were a lot of traps, but I got through all of them Then, at the end, there were weird people who locked themselves in and trusted me to get them out With a big coin that I stole, I got them out and they let me come along with them. One of them knew that my lie wasn't true, but the rest didn't talk to me about it. Then we went to see the mayor, who gave me money, and lots of it! 25 gold!   We got some a transport also to some place in the water, maybe there's a shrine there too, so I'm following them. Maybe I get more money?   Someone from the group stopped the Haavok, or Havoq or whatever they call the cart without horses Then we were attacked, but I stopped them with some help from the others I also sacrificed the baddies to Blaharjir, he'll be happy   Until next time! Wyntris


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