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The Barren Expanse is a mystery. What lies beneath the milky salt waves is no one's business... until it is disturbed.

Crushing Pincers

Legends from the sailors of Dom Aestus tell of a monstrous shrimp-like creature that preys on unfortunate ships that venture too far into the Barren Expanse. Its piercing claws and gargantuan ribs crush boats to splinters, leaving sailors to choose between being devoured, or burning away in the deadly salt waters. 

Historical Basis

Artemia has been blamed for countless disappearances of ships exploring the Barren Expanse. However, her origins are as clouded as the Expanse itself. None can quite remember the first reports of the legendary shrimp, attributing the tale to the ravings of drunken sailors.

That said, the similarities between the various tellings suggest at least a sliver of truth to the legend. Though none are brave enough to try and prove it.


The Tale of Artemia is fairly known all about Stopstalk. Books on myths that contain the tale have found their way to libraries and homes alike.

In Literature

Artemia has been featured in many books on mythical monsters. Few claim to have seen her and lived, still fewer sources are credible, but the legend makes for compelling content. The most popular imagination of the Tale of Artemia lies in the Children's Book of Monsters, by acclaimed bard and author Harred Stiln of the Dol Taedh. Stiln claims to have spoken with multiple witnesses of Artemia, and gained insight into her true form. He believes Artemia was once an elf who spurned the advances of an angel in favor of a common sailor. The angel cursed her to become a monster, and forced her to devour her true love and their entire ship.
Sketch from a sailor claiming to have seen Artemia

Artemia imagined in the Children's Book of Monsters, by Harred Stiln.
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