Clan Tiderunner Organization in Arxios | World Anvil
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Clan Tiderunner

Go Further...

Tiderunner is a sister clan of Clan Ashhand, who dwell in the Kiln. Clan Tiderunner makes its home in Dom Aestus, a large port city centered around its Expedition Guild, which leads voyages into the Barren Expanse.


The Laws and Tenets of Clan Tiderunner were written long ago by its founder and first king. The King was an explorer, who is said to have found another land out in the Expanse; For after he had been missing for many years, a single bottle washed up on the beaches of Dom Aestus. The bottle contained only a single letter, with the First King's seal:

"Go Further"

That single phrase has become the affirmation of all who set sail on the Expanse, hoping beyond hope that they will be the first to find new land.

Because the King was confirmed to be alive, and his death was never recorded, he is still regarded to be alive today, and so his reign continues. No other dwarf has dared to claim the Tiderunner Throne, and his laws remain in place


Tiderunner's culture is wholly centered on exploration. Young dwarves are encouraged to learn to sail early in life, riding the tempestuous burning waves of the Barren Expanse.
Guild, Merchant
Government System
Thanatocracy / Necrocracy
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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