Feanseidh Organization in Arxios | World Anvil
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Feanseidh (Sun-Hills)

The Feanseidh is a magocracy that controls the deserts of Arxios known as the Eastern Reaches.


The Council of Archmages, colloquially known as The Council, hold absolute power over the Feanseidh. Each represents a school of arcane magic, as well as a representative of the Order of Scribes, who write the laws that govern the Reaches.
The Council is lead by a Solarch, who carries the majority vote for major decisions. The only way to veto a decision made by the Solarch is a unanimous vote by the rest of the council.

The Order of Scribes has written the entirety of history and law for the Feanseidh. Their library of scrolls holds all kinds of ancient lore and documents.


The settlements of the Feanseidh are built around each of its schools of magic. The first being Tor Coram (Tower of the Lion) which houses the Order of Scribes. These cities tend to be made up of mages from their local school, though it is not uncommon for acolytes and sages alike to spend long periods in other cities, learning new techniques and philosophies from their brethren.

Foreign Relations

The Feanseidh are almost completely isolationist. Their only interaction with the rest of Arxios is through trade negotiations with Clan Ashhand of the Kiln. The Kiln controls travel and trade in and out of Arxios, but the Feanseidh provide a large portion of the goods that go into Arxios. Their contributions keep Clan Ashhand in business.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Feanwedd (Sun-child)
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
The Order of Scribes
Judicial Body
The Council of Archmages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species


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