Cthona Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Cthona (Kuh-thön-ah)

The Castle City of House Hollosmith. The fortress of Cthona stands guard against the Stopstalk's borders on the River Eros.


The gates of Cthona stand closed in recent days. An infestation has spread within the city and attracted a herd of dangerous monsters.


Cthona is primarily a city of warriors. It began as a base for Stopstalk's first legion and later knightly order, the Salamanders. The city that grew around it was populated by families and supporters of the legion, including craftsfolk and artisans but mainly smiths and leatherworkers.


The city is governed by House Hollosmith, one of Stopstalk's founding houses. The official ruler is Baron Loken, as head of house. However, many of Loken's duties keep him in Queen Leto's court at Delphi, and so the city is primarily overseen by his husband, Korosan. Korosan is assisted by the Lady Eudora d'Arville, First Commander of the Salamanders and Loken's sister.


Cthona is the best defended city in all of Stopstalk, second only to Delphi. As an overgrown legion base, many of its buildings are constructed with military fortitude; Complete with buttresses, turrets, and reinforced doors and windows. Even if the walls are breached, concentric keeps help to stagger an invading force, and each and every building can be used as a defensible position.

Guilds and Factions

Cthona is host to a multitude of adventuring companies and fighters guilds.


Cthona was constructed to mark the borders of the kingdom to the Dhucose Woods. It stood as a gate against the River Eros. During the early years of the kingdom, many battles were fought at its gates. Though Cthona was easy to pass around, it posed a fearsome threat to any invading army who would turn its back on the city.

During the early 9th century of the current era, Cthona became the host of multiple negotiations and peace talks between Stopstalk and the Dhucose Elves. Today, House Hollosmith still retains some diplomatic ties to the Dhucose in Euphratti d'Arville, the 2nd Commander of the Salamanders. D'Arville married the Dhucose's Queen Axima in 872. Their union was pronounced to be the end of conflict between the two nations. However, this came to a crushing halt after the fateful Battle of Eros in 883CE, which destroyed any chance at lasting peace in this era.


Cthona rests in the Hollosmith Highlands, atop a high plateau surrounded by natural palisades. It's location makes it hard for an army to approach, but descending ramps and drawbridges can be lowered to allow a legion to march out with relative ease.

A secondary fort rests directly on the banks of the Eros, and is staffed by legionnaires of Cthona; Ergo it is considered a part of the city.


The climate in the Highlands is generally cool, damp and cloudy, but daily weather is unpredictable. The Highlands are prone to short winter days and very long summer evenings.
Founding Date
31 CE
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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