Baron Loken Hollosmith Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Baron Loken Hollosmith (He/Him)

The Hand that Wields the Spear

Loken Hollosmith is the latest of the most powerful fighters that the Kingdom of Stopstalk has ever seen. In times past, the Hollosmith General has always been the head guard and advisor to the Sovereign. However, since the death of King Zeus and subsequent distancing between Stopstalk and the Dhucose elves, the Hollosmiths have instead guarded the borders of the kingdom, separated from the Queen up high in Castle Delphi.



Loken is the head of House Hollosmith, and high commander of its armies. He, along with his two children and his sister, coordinate Stopstalk's military forces. 

In addition, as a Baron of Stopstalk, Loken serves as an advisor to Queen Leto, along with Baron Pike and Baron Cerese of houses Wolfwood and Deepsummer respectively. His duties usually keep Loken busy at Castle Delphi, leaving his sister, Commander Eudora d'Arville, in charge of Hollosmith affairs.

Contacts & Relations

Throughout the Dhucose Campaign, Loken was the guardian and advisor to King Zeus. Not only his closest ally, but his closest friend. The two had trained together, traveled all across the kingdom together, fought together, and bled together. No two soldiers were closer, no two soldiers fought better at each other's backs. Powerful warriors on their own, the two made an unstoppable force on the battlefield. 
Loken was at the battle of Eros where Zeus was felled. He had moved off to command his ranks of Salamander Knights not moments before the arrow struck. Loken led the charge into the bloodbath that would take place that day, lost in a rage of grief. He regards this day as his worst failure.
After that battle and the retreat of the Dhucose Elves, Loken retired as King's Guard with the permission of Queen Leto. He re-organised his armies as a guard force to patrol the borders of the river.
"A shield that can't protect you is dead weight—better to drop it."

Family Ties

Baron Loken is the uncle of Euphratti d'Arville, a lieutenant in the Salamander knightly order, and wife to Queen Axima of the Dhucose. Euphratti and her uncle commune regularly to maintain a diplomatic relationship between the two nations.

Religious Views

Loken is a devout member of the Church of Viva Mori, a Ghezenite by his own declaration. He sees war as a means to advancement; A way of strengthening a society and uniting its people to a cause.


Korosan Hollosmith


Towards Baron Loken Hollosmith


Baron Loken Hollosmith


Towards Korosan Hollosmith


Eudora d'Arville


Towards Baron Loken Hollosmith


Baron Loken Hollosmith


Towards Eudora d'Arville


Year of Birth
848 CE 51 Years old
Korosan Hollosmith (Husband)
Eudora d'Arville (Sister)
Current Residence
Castle Hollosmith
Church of Viva Mori - Ghezenite
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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