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"Have you heard of the dragonborn? Children of dragons they are indeed! You'd believe it too if you'd been there. Thought we had those sellswords on the run when one of them turned and breathed a whole storm down on our company! ....Pity she wasn't on our side. I'd 'ave given the rest of my skin to see that again."
— Eudora d'Arville, after a skirmish with mercenaries in the crags north of Castle Wolfwood.

Borne of dragons, as their name proclaims, dragonborn walk proudly through a world with no clear place for their kind.

It is most common for dragonborn to live amongst their surrounding civilization, save for the dragonfolk of the Western Grip, which is a wholly dragonborn society. With the disappearance of dragons from Arxios, dragonborn have become a rare sight, and most if not all are born of dragonborn themselves.

Basic Information


Dragonborn are humanoid in stature, though their skin is coated in reptilian scales, arms tipped with claws. Their heads are usually more draconic in form, out of necessity for their draconic abilities. 

Depending on their specific ancestry, dragonborn vary in scale color, head shape, horns, tails, and other draconic features. Despite dragons having had vibrant, defined coloration, most dragonborn today are children of dragonborn themselves, and centuries of crossbreeding result in a more middled hue. That said, exceptions exist in all things biology, and it is not unheard of for dragonborn to possess strong scale colors, sometimes in deliberate patterns.

Genetics and Reproduction

The first dragonborn were the offspring of dragons and elves, though there have been many members of other sapient species who also possessed the necessary bravery. That said, a dragonborn's traits lean heavily towards the draconic parent. 

Dragonborn can also conceive amongst themselves, though they cannot with other sapient species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn are few and far between, it is are to see more than a few families in one place. Most roam the province, assimilating with the surrounding peoples. 

It is said that during the Time Before, when dragons were the shephards of civilization, their offspring were worshipped as demigods, and were the center of many settlements and religious orders.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A dragonborn's senses are somewhat on par with other sapient races, though they tend to rely more on their sense of smell and hearing over eyesight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Draconus
80 years
Average Height
Over 6'
Average Weight
250 lbs


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