Nym Carna Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Nym Carna (She/Her)

The Three-Handed, Consequence Itself, Lawbringer, Shadow of Cor

Nym is a Prince of the Dhucose Elves. The third child of Queen Axima, and second in line for the Elven Throne after her brother Maagren. She has a deep past relationship with her eldest sibling, Cor, and adopted mother Euphratti d'Arville. However, she has not been seen in public for some time.

Phantom Prince

Nym is an enigmatic figure. A soldier of the elves who has gained rapid renown for her fighting prowess amongst the ranks of the Hollosmith Martial Regiment, The Salamanders. Nym no longer attends courts or royal affairs as she did in her youth, now she is seldom seen anywhere but a battlefield, often frequenting skirmishes wherever her sibling Cor may be found exacting their holy agendas. She speaks to few, and has gained something of an irregular, fable-like status both in and outside the tribes. Appearing at the tide of a battle, then fading away, remaining unseen for weeks. Never is her presence accounted for in plans, and never is she present in military meetings or formal orders of address.

Wolfwood Pits

Nym has gained somewhat of a cult following after an entanglement with the Lord of the Wolfwood Pits, Viscount Acteon Wolfwood. Nym appeared unannounced at the tourney pits, and climbed the ranks at an uncanny speed. Suspicious of her honor, Lord Acteon sicced his pack of hounds on her. Caught off-guard, Nym lost one of her four arms to the wolves, but succeeded in dispatching them, then nearly killed Lord Acteon before she was routed by his guard and forced to retreat. After the incident, fans of the tourneys came out in support of her, forcing the pit lords to recognize her rank in the top 5.
Year of Birth
779 CE 120 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization


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