Dhucose Tribe Organization in Arxios | World Anvil
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Dhucose Tribe

The Dhucose Tribe is a clan of wood elf families that have dwelled in the forests of Arxios since time immemorial. Their way of life and claim over the woodlands has caused tension with the Kingdom of Stopstalk for centuries, until the marriage of Queen Axima and House Hollosmith's Euphratti D'Arville established a peaceful relationship.


The Dhucose have recently been the target of biological attacks from the Slugwill gangs, thought to be hired by the Kingdom. The marauders released an airborne plague into the Dhucose woods that spread like wildifire. The Dhucose are in disarray, having lost a third of their population and dispatched even more to search for a cure.

The Battle of Eros - 883CE

The Battle at the River Eros was a tragic step back for both the Dhucose and the Kingdom. Tensions had been flaring over borders, and the establishment of the free-state of Moletown in Dhucose territory caused a confrontation at the river. Armies had gathered on either side, ready to return to the fight, while the leaders of both armies desperately tried to quell the rage of both sides. Their efforts were for naught, however, when King Zeus of Stopstalk was killed by an arrow fired from the elven side. In retaliation, the Stopstalk armies charged, and the river Eros ran red.

Tenets of Faith

No Gods

Corpus and Anima to the Dhucose elves are not commonly worshipped, “For praying to the sun hastens not the turn of the earth.” Corpus’ multiple limbs signify no divinity, but simply a correspondence to the common fractal branch-patterns that can be found in nature rooted deeply within the Law of Causality.

The Dhucose believe in two principles that govern the world and its denizens: The Law of Causality, and the Law of Abandonment.

The Law of Causality

A faith in physics, of the chaotic path of cause, and it’s shadow, effect. A rock thrown from a cliff will plummet. A kingdom whose lord is slain will fall to political turmoil. The elves have a word for this inevitability created by the consistent maths found throughout the world's many branching and interwoven webs of effect and cause and effect; The words closest translation in the common tongue is "fate.

The Law of Abandonment

All things seek to flee the place in which they have spawned. By nature, the world seeks to expand. Lines will be drawn within organisms to divide them, and their duplicitous offspring shall be divided further, thinking themselves different, but always part of the core sentient law that seeks to flee ever outwards from itself.

Corpus and Nature

The god Corpus, to the Dhucose eleves, is interpreted as a supernatural manifestation of the law of causality, and is but one side of the same coin with the goddess Anima. They do not believe that the many limbed form of Corpus is divine or sacrosanct, only that things with many limbs, whether that be trees, roots, horned beasts, or elves are tied symbolically to nature, to the law of Causality.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Head of State
Power Structure
Feudal state
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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