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Silver Hyacinth (She? Her?)

Silver Hyacinth is one of many adventurers aboard the AirBnB. She resides on the legendary fourth floor, for heroes of extreme prowess and fame. And yet, she is virtually unheard of. Her exploits are unknown, how she became an adventurer, or where she learned her bardic magic are all mysteries. 

Yet her power is unquestionable, as she has passed the trials to earn a spot on the fourth floor of the AirBnB alongside the likes of the legendary Jeremy. Whoever she is, she could be a dangerous enemy, or a powerful ally.

Encounters with the Party

Meeting in the Maintenance Halls

Our heroes of the AirBnB first met Hyacinth down in the bowels of the ship, when they found her having stolen precious blueprints from the lead engineer's quarters, and incapacitating another adventuring party in the process. However, only Caelan and Tinnitus were present for the encounter, and she quickly escaped. 

Offering a Deal

Hyacinth made her second appearance in response to the party's plea for powerful casters aboard the AirBnB to use their magic to resurrect Caelan after their fall at Windbrisk Monastery. Hyacinth was the only one to answer the call, and she extorted her indispensability to the maximum. In compensation for resurrecting Caelan, she took the party's downtime, a gold bonus, and Tinnitus' treasured casting focus, the Banshee.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Hyacinth is never seen without her ebony lyre, her trademark bardic instrument. Whether the lyre itself has special qualities is unknown.



Tall, coy, and insurmountably confident. Hyacinth, if that is her real name, is somewhat of an enigma to those around her, never betraying any hint of true feelings.
Current Status
Adventurer aboard the AirBnB
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
868 CE 31 Years old


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