Human Species in Arxios | World Anvil
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The realm of Arxios is filled with carefully crafted species, children of the gods, made perfect for their role in the universe...

...Then there are humans.

Fashionably Late

Humans arrived relatively recently to Arxios. The first explorers came through the Frozen Hearth from the outlands less than one thousand years ago. Those who dwelled here before then marked their arrival as the beginning of a new era.

Molded by Experience

Unlike many of the creatures in Arxios, humans evolved by natural means. They are no children of the gods, and so their existence is an anomaly for other sapient civilizations. Nevertheless, human ingenuity is unrivaled. Gifted with nothing, they forge community, technology, and culture all on their own.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans evolved solely for surface living, and were gifted no aspects of the gods. They lack low-light vision and any innate connection to magic shared by many other species.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Kingdom of Stopstalk, which claims the majority of the province, is a chiefly human civilization.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
Natural Evolution
About a century
Average Height
5-6 ft.


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