Taraba Carna Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Taraba Carna (Undecided)

The fourth child of Queen Axima. Taraba is still a toddler.

Grave Omens

Taraba has matured slowly for an elf, having yet to speak their first word. Taraba has been observed to have an odd effect on the people surrounding them, save for the Carna family. Those who spend time in their presence become irritable, prone to bouts of rage and delusion. The difference in Taraba's heritage compared to their siblings is apparent, most folk in the Dhucose tribes are certain they are not a true child of Queen Axima. Taraba's presence is seen as an ill omen, an end to the Carna line and a sign of Abandonment.
Year of Birth
893 CE 6 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization

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