Cinnabar Blood Burn

Cinnabar is the base ingredient to the drug known as Cynibrail. A mage drug that enhances the spells of any casters. The drug is addictive to mages, but in small doses it can be used properly. When their magical blood has too much of this drug. Especially if it heavy on Cinnabar the mage will have to resist to keep their mind from losing reality.  

Stage 1

"The Craving". Talking fast about how much "Focus" they have when they're on Cynibrail. they may be trying to get the money or have someone else buy it for them.  

Stage 2

The caster is very powerful. In the simplest spell hits like a Minatare on crack. Laugh at every spell they cast. loving the rush, they get from the dug coursing through them and the heat the blood seems to do them. Takes is before every spell, every adventure, or going into any ruins. (Psyche lower 2 die steps)

Stage 3

The Loosing- They talk to things that are not there. Not spirits, not fiends, or anything. Their casting ability is all but gone without the drug. The drug is the only way their magical blood is active. This may not always be the case for some casters. (Psyche lower another 2 die steps)   The Blood Burn -If the caster is not going through the Losing then more than likely they will have the Burn. The Cinnabar Blood Burn their magic is going off the scales and everywhere. Their will mind snap and magic will burn them all over the body. This is no longer the joy but the pain. If they do not get clean soon, they will die, and their body burns aways to magical dust. (Psyche lower another 2 die steps) If the Psyche drops to zero the Blood burn happens.

Runes and Enchantments

Mages can use raw and refine Cinnabril to form runes to enhance and give magic effect to item like weapons and armor. Like giving a blade a lightnig effect or fire.
Chemical Compound