Leander McCormack Character in Arylon | World Anvil

Leander McCormack

Leander McCormack

Leander is the third child and only son of Lyta and Alain McCormack. As he grew up, a retired Lion's Guard officer who lives in town decided to train him to fight, giving him a way to escape his sisters for a few hours a day. The farm fell on hard times after a bad harvest and some of their equipment broke down. The family borrowed money from a loan shark in Lion's Fall. When the loan came due and they couldn't pay it back, the shark threatened to take the farm. Leander set out to adventure to make money to save the farm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong but still fairly thin. Muscular from both farm work and fighter training.

Body Features

Tall with strong muscles. Extremely handsome face with a bit of a beard and mustache. Hair is light brown, flowing, shoulder length.

Facial Features

Deep amber eyes and flowing hair. Neatly trimmed beard and mustache. Strong jaw, good cheekbones.

Special abilities

Master at arms- good with any weapon that comes to hand. Primarily uses long sword, but also proficient with all blades and hunting bow. Can easily figure out new weapons he's never seen before.

Apparel & Accessories

Basic leather armor and travel pack. Lion's Guard sword on one hip, dagger on the other.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leander comes from a close, loving family. He has two older sisters who protected him fiercely. His baby sister is the light of his life. He trained as a fighter to help protect the farm. With the farm at risk, he's left to become an adventurer.


Bisexual and fully aware of his good looks. He's a giant flirt and has already had multiple lovers.


Basic standard education. Decent at maths, reading, writing, and basic Vostorian history. Home trained on nature and farming, including some husbandry. Also trained in Lion's Guard fighting techniques by a retired soldier.


Until recently, Leander worked helping around the family farm. Worked on almost all aspects of farm life. Now in the big city to find work. Aiming to become an adventurer, but willing to take on any work that will utilize his strength and endurance.

Morality & Philosophy

Generally a good person. He sees the best in people and likes to help whenever he can. Even a loan shark threatening his family isn't enough to shake his faith in people in general, although he now knows there are bad people in the world.


Contacts & Relations

Mom- Lyta McCormack Dad- Alain McCormack Sister- Driesa- oldest, helps manage farm Sister- Brekka- middle, farm defense Sister- Elizabeth- youngest, mage-in-training Donson- retired guard, mentor Evelyn- mage in Lion's Fall Lord Theodore Valentine- loan shark, hates me

Religious Views

Follower of the Keltori trinity

Social Aptitude

Extremely charming. Helpful.


Flirts with everyone, but only enough to put most at ease.

Wealth & Financial state

Merchant class but losing money.

A charming, handsome farmboy from a small town south of Lion's Fall. Trained to fight by a retired Lion's Guard officer. Leander leaves home to earn money to help the family farm.

Current Location
Lion's Fall
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
27 Tinne 541 CE
McCormack farm outside Den, Hygate
Current Residence
Lions Fall, Hygate
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 9 in
175 lbs
Known Languages
Keltori, pidgin shilean, basic elesori

Cover image: Cortex Prime rpg