
Same as the werewolf one is Pure Blood or is changed into the "Family." Vampires is feared and even Romantasies in certain countries in the world. The Clergies on many countries seek and destroy them. The favored vampires which in the current time in the game is still not fully understood.  

Disease Stages

  1. First stage the victim may not remember that they were bitten. They may feel really tired. This only applies if the Vampire was clever to sneak and trance the victim before biting them. If the vampire was not sneaky about biting the victim. If the victim lived through it then the wound will heal on its own in one minute after bitten.
  2. The victim will be thirsty and no matter what they drink it is never the "right" drink. fangs will form in the mouth at this stage.
  3. The hearing of mortal heart beats will be loud them like some beating a large drum in a small room. Sun light will be too bright in this stage.
  4. The skin will be paler than normal and then the Hunger Wil Always take them. They must feed on any mortal's blood. Any mortal. Elves, humans, gnolls, orcs, dwarves.
Curing this Disease is nearly impossible. Stage 1 or 2 is possible 3 is very difficult but possible but is the person reaches stage four. There is only the Vampire at this stage and once the vampire feeds there is absolutely no return to mortal stage.    

The Morrigan Vampires

The only "good family" of vampires. Created by the Immortal Morrigan, the first vampire of hers was name Brianna. Brianna was a very kind and Beautyful woman everyone in her village loved her, she was always willing to help others. One fatal night a group of Highland Orcs came to the village raided it. Killing most people there. One orc saw her and told the others to take her back to their camp, which the orcs each had their way with her and left her for dead. As Brianna lay there dying a woman in black asked her if she would live would she help her bring justice to your village. Brianna did not know who she was talking to at the time. Only later did she realize that the was the Immortal of her village. Morrigan told her she was brave and kind to all she knew, she wanted to reward her as one of her children. Brianna agreed and the Morrigan kissed her and changed her within seconds. Brianna slew every last Highland orc and fed on their blood. The First Morrigan Vampire. Morrigan vampire hunt evil and feed and the blood of the guilty. They are vampires of justice and vengeance.  
They have most of the same weakness and powers as normal vampires. Except they can easily fit into human cities or towns. They could walk into sunlight if they had a "kiss" recently.

Powers of the Vampire

Trance- when the vampire stares at a person and their eyes locked on each other the victim must have a higher Presence in their spirit stat and Endurance to resist the trance if not then the vampire can charm and control the victim up to one month. The victim will want to do anything for their new beloved. Anything.   Transform into bat or wolf or large black cat. - the psyche and the endurance or travel the vampire can move as a supernatural version of the animal they have transformed into. In this form they can travel long distances even spy on others if need be.

Supernatural abilities

These abilities come natural to vampires and do not require spells or magic or immortal blessings.
  • Immortal life- They do not die of age or disease. they die of only in being slayed. the age of the individual vampire is stuck at the age they were turned. Except for the Natural born vampires... They age slowly at the mature age. Which is always 16 years. Natural vampires Always look human. If one notice an elf vampire then you are looking at a turned vampire. They will look at the age they turned until slayed.
  • Food and fitting in-Vampires only need blood to curb the hunger. Food that mortals need; vampires eat them if they are trying to fit in. They claim to enjoy it, but they do not need it.
  • Mist form or true invisibility- When a vampire is in true danger and needing to escape, they will use one of these forms to return home or safe havens.

The KissĀ 

Morrigan Vampires ONLY! A "kiss" from a Morrigan Vampire does not mean they have "turned" anyone. It means they have taken a little bit of blood from a willing person. This can be an actual kiss on the mouth or neck. The taking of blood is gentle and settle.

Weakness of Vampires

  1. Sunlight- 90% of all vampires need to avoid sunlight or be burned and possible catch on fire.
  2. Certain Immortal symbols- Gwyn warrior goddess of Justice, Nuada God of the truth and Law, and
  3. weak to fire attacks and fire spells.
  4. Iron 100 percent iron weapons

Cover image: by Shonna White