Wolf's Bane Sickness

A sickness that helps those hunting and weakens werewolf type monsters. Lupins cannot get this sickness. All they get is a running nose or a sneeze fit for a little while. Werewolves who breathe in or ingest enough of the Wolves Bane will have the following Stages:  

Stage 1

Breathing hard, watery eyes, and running nose, itchiness. This happens when the werewolf is in physical contact with it.  

Stage 2

Extreme fatigue or tiredness can no longer smell anything, Endurance is lower by 2 die steps. This happens is breathing in too much of the powder or injected with the pure oil of it.  

Stage 3

Sweeting a lot, high fever, yellowing in the eyes, Endurance is lower by another 2 die steps. This happens when the werewolf has had the sickness for an hour or is hit with multiple arrows that have the oil on the tip.  

Stage 4



Wolves Bane powder is made by werewolf hunters and/or mages. One can easily hide wolves Bane power by mixing it with lavender or sunflower. A normal person would only smell the lavender or sunflower but a mortal with the condition of being a werewolf would not be able to breathe in that room. Breathing in the powder or being forced to eat it would cause the wolf bane sickness, right into stage 2 only in werewolves.  for Mortals it would cause severe respiratory and cardiac problems. which can easily be cured by a temple healer or druid. This why Rangers and hunters tip their arrows in wolves' banes oil when fighting them. This would cause the 2 stages almost immediately.


This disease was discovered by temple workers who were heling people coming down with a strange sickness. It only effect certain people. Which they later discovered that these "people" were actually werewolves. First discovered in the 10th of Luis in the year 535 ACE. the Healer by the name of Minister Barley Strock's had discovered a way to use wolves bane and alchemy to kill these creature easier. He later determined that the werewolf disease is carried of in the venom of the creatures. He is working on a Alchemy formula to cure the common werewolf epidemic.