Dragonnel Species in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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Some dragons consider it an honor to bear a worthy rider into battle. Others find it demeaning and view dragonnels' willingness to serve as mounts as a sign of their debasement ~Fizban

Basic Information


Dragonnels are distantly related to chromatic, gem, and metallic dragons and resemble them in basic form.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In the wild, dragonnel are picky eaters with mercurial moods, inclined to toy with their prey before going in for the kill.

Additional Information


Raised from eggs domesticated dragonnels are loyal to the point of being overly protective of their riders. However, efforts to break wild dragonnels to the saddle are perilous, as these creatures often feign compliance before throwing their would-be riders from great heights.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dragonnel are often used as flying mounts for the Drake Guard and patrol the dangerous areas around the stone karsts throughout the Jade Empire.

Average Intelligence

Intelligent enough to understand speech but incapable of speaking themselves, they are willful creatures motivated by the desire for food and entertainment.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

understands Draconic and Common but can't speak
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
A dragonnel is an agile mount and naturally inclined to flyby tactics, swooping in to make attacks with its beak and claws before flying out of reach.


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