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"Explorations into the great swamp have been treacherous. I lost half my crew to an aligator man ambush last week and two more to the elements after that, all in the name of exploration and discovery. We search for the legendary gentlemen of the Great Swamp, or Beaux as they have come to be called. The dapper men who bargain for wealth and fortune.
-Gwylryth Bitterleaf, Elunore Explorer


Shared customary codes and values

Beaux are dedicated to being dapper, gentlemanly, and cordial in all interactions with mortals. They make bargains for great wealth with individuals who are down on their luck, appearing benevolent to all. What they do not make known is that, unlike the Shaitan, they never intend to fulfill their bargains. They slowly eat away at the life force of those they have entered pacts with, in one way or another.

Common Dress code

The Beaux always dress in highly fashionable outfits, unfitting of their body type and nature.

Coming of Age Rites

The Beaux have no rites for coming of age, as all appear to be large, catfish-like monsters of a similar age or maturity. They are only ever male.

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