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Everyone loves the hyena-men of the south. While it is rare to see one of these creatures living in a human settlement, they are well known for trading interesting wares in the southern settlements of Altria. They are fierce warriors when angered and are excellent trackers, making them a deadly foe if wronged. In general, Gnolls have a cheerful disposition and enjoy fraternizing with the other races. They are fascinated with children and have been known to entertain them for hours, not showing even the slightest annoyance at being turned into a furry jungle gym.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnolls generally inhabit the savannas lands in southern Altria alongside the Rovers.

Average Intelligence

Typical gnolls are less intelligent than a human, but fairly keen at reading a situation and make witty merchants.
45 years
Average Height
5 foot 10 inches
Average Weight
210 lbs

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