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A coastal port city along Altria's eastern coast. While it is not the hub of all seafaring trade, it is a major stop for traders who wish to load up ships with their goods for shipment to other large port cities.


A roughly 50-50 mix of Human and Undine residents exist here, with a small smattering of other races.


Philos has a small staff of representatives that are led by a human named Alicen.


Brightcourt Ward Locations

Sosandro's Hauberks

The workshop of a male Undine armorer named Sosandro, who is rumored to work his forge with bound salamanders.  

Dock Ward Locations

The Silver Shrine

A wondrous statue of bright silver, said to be a magical portal to the moon.  

The Wizard's Alehouse

A heroic commoner's tavern, decorated with stained glass windows.  

The Shrine of Stone Mother

A bronze statue of the Stone Mother, ancient goddess of the Nephilim, said to be sometimes visited by the goddess herself.  

Inon's Pottery

A large potter's workshop, built within what was once a giant's tankard.  

Market Ward Locations

The Troll's Bridge

A stone bridge spans a small stream. It seems perfectly normal, but neither goat nor any other animal will willingly cross over it.


Philos is a city without walls, most of which is constructed from a sun-bleached white stone. The dockside buildings are mostly wood, however.


The city is separated into three wards, the dock, Brightcourt, and market wards.The surround area is mostly hilly grassland, which is pierced by a large river that is used as a trade-route. The southern half of the city (everything south of the river) is the Brightcourt ward, a more upscale part of town where most of the nobility lives. The north part of the city is split into the dock ward and market ward. They are mostly described by their names, but the dock ward tends to foster more travelers and inns, whereas the Market ward has a large open square for selling goods and many of the homes for people who make their life in Philos.

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