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A race of bull-like humanoids that inhabit the Labyrinthian in southern Altria. These creatures are completely inhospitable to outsiders and rarely venture outside their maze-like fortress.

Civilization and Culture


Types of Taurean

Though the term "Taurean" is widely used by citizens of Altria to describe the creatures of the Labyrinthian, it does not account for the differences in the species. In fact, there are two different types of Taurean. One type is generally considered "lesser" and are called a lowborn, as they are physically inferior and the most human-like, while the other are more like The Minotaur and consider their self to be high born.  


Taurean that are smaller, roughly the size of a Goliath, and more human-like are called Lowborn. They are only slightly less intelligent than a typical human and are considerably less prone to intense outbursts of rage like the highborn members of their race. As they are physically inferior to the highborn, they are generally given menial tasks and treated more like a "servitor" race, rather than members of the same race.  


The more Minotaur-like members of the Taurean race are called Highborn. They are three times the height of the average human and are considerably less intelligent. They are prone to wild bouts of rage and are sometimes unable to ever emerge from these outbursts. This is known as "Labyrinthian Fever" and is akin to a form of dementia, that results in total loss of sanity. Members of the highborn class that contract Labyrinthian fever are either slain or released into the lower labyrinths to be forgotten or killed by the one, true king of the Labyrinthian... The Minotaur.  

The Minotaur

Though not technically a member of the Taurean, The Minotaur is worth mentioning, as he is technically considered to be the pinnacle of their society. He is considerably larger, stronger, and enraged than the highborn Taurean, while having human intellect like the lowborn. A true force of nature.
50 years
Average Height
Lowborn: 8 feet
Highborn: 18 feet

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