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Garlord (a.k.a. The Undying)

A sorcerer for whom the ends always justify the means. He will take on any job, for the right price...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slender.

Body Features

Red Skin. Horns.

Facial Features

Glowing red eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born in the West Sector of Silvermoon Port. My parents were human, so a Tiefling child was quite a shock. They blamed each other for the curse of a demon child upon them. To say my childhood was chaotic would not do it justice.   When my powers began to manifest, it became more than my father could bear. One night, four men in grey robes arrived at our house. They ambushed me, restrained me, and took me to a large encampment in the woods outside of town. I would never see my parents again.   The encampment was run by a small rogue faction of the followers of Zelaur. Based on a false version of their fabled Manus Kai, the cult believed it their solemn duty to continue the work of Yi’Gor by sowing the seeds of chaos throughout the town.   I was advised upon my arrival that my parents, being devout followers of Zelaur, had prayed for release from their family curse. Needing powerful recruits for their cause, the cult happily obliged my father's request.   Initially, the cult had intentions of recruiting me to their cause. Repeated attempts at conversion ended bloody for all parties involved. Eventually, I ended up confined in isolation while they decided what to do with me.   One cold, foggy morning, two travelers arrived at the encampment. The guards of my tent began scuffing around wildly, leaving my tent entrance open with full view of the travelers' arrival. They toured the encampment seemingly as people in a position of authority. However, the others acted differently around them, they were noticeably scared.   It was at this moment I decided to try to make my escape. With no formal training, I did not know the Firebolt spell I attempted to use had a name. Nor that in addition to the ropes binding my wrists, it would light the entire tent where I was being kept on fire. The ensuing chaos caused the travelers to come over and see what all the commotion was.   When the fire was finally put out, the two travelers took an interest in why I was bound in the first place. Upon realizing I was being held against my will, the travelers surrounded me in a defensive formation. One of them screamed, "You just landed yourself in the Bone Zone."   Everything happened quickly from there. I scarcely remember the ensuing battle and escape. The only things I do remember are a sickly green light surrounding all of us, a wave of exhaustion coming over me, and immediate relief as soon as we were outside of that green light.   When I looked up, there was only one traveler remaining. The one that shouted. His face was covered in tears. I did not ask why.   We booked passage on a ship and traveled for months. During the trip, the traveler told me that I was a sorcerer and that there was only one place I would be able to live in peace and learn about my gifts. We were on our way to C.O.S.M.

Gender Identity





When I arrived at C.O.S.M. I found my place immediately. Surrounded by other sorcerers, I was able to see what I could do and find my purpose in the world. I resolved myself to acquire the resources to ensure I would never be at anyone else's mercy again.   I learned quickly while there, however, I gained a bit of notoriety for my disregard for the rules and lack of respect for figures of authority. I was always ready and willing to assist anyone rail against a system viewed unjust in my eyes.   Regardless of my reputation, I gained the respect of my teachers and peers through my abilities and my generally charming demeanor.


First and foremost, a member and student of C.O.S.M. Journeyman Adventurer with the Adventurers Guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lighting the lights. Executioner of Evil Cats. Unscathed by the Evil Black Dragon. Gardener of the Lizardfolk. Seeker for the Copper Dragon Quidditch team. Winner of the bet with Kutotar. Friend of the Lizardfolk Tribes of Skiksk.

Failures & Embarrassments

Murdered by Beholder. Did not actually hurt the aforementioned black dragon. Failed to save Tyrone from entering the Bone Zone.

Mental Trauma

At birth, I was rejected by my parents and eventually sent away to live with a cult. This caused a deep-seated distrust of authority figures and religious institutions.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Can't see cause there's all this money in the way..

Personality Characteristics


Contacts & Relations

Tyrone Bigsby Kutotar Juniper Raphael

Family Ties


Religious Views


Hobbies & Pets

Herensuege is less a pet and more a friend <3

His name is Garlord. He dies sometimes.

Character Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Silvermoon Port
Current Residence
COSM Tower of Macenti
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Red
Quotes & Catchphrases
Someone needs a CAT-itude adjustment.
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan.

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