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Macenti is the sprawling Capital of Tamaroc. Ruled by King Torvus the third. The sprawling city and port are always abuzz with political intrigue, commerce, conflict, and crime.

East Sector - Trade and Guild Sector - Most guild's have halls here.

Farrel's Smithy
Ylandra's Tailor
The Drunken Crow
Land Boats

West Sector - Middle Class

Harlow's Bakery
The Lonesome Captain
Calm Farrier


North Sector - Rich sector walled off from most of the city

Important locations:
Royal Palace

The Candle and Broom Tavern
Tragic's Magic Shop
C.O.S.M. Tower


South Sector - poor sector and port area
The Silver Sail
Shipwright's Guild Hall
Bilger's Boat Supply
The Locked Flint
Bits and Baubles
The Black Flagon


Town Square- Area of primary commerce and government, Includes main street and several streets off the actual center of the city.

Important Locations:
The free garden
Luvia's Courthouse
Bank of Torvus
Royal Parliament
Messer & Messar legal advisors
Barton Legal
Algar Legal
Grand stage
Great Well
Stocks at the Bazaar

Nancy's floral
Howard's Books
Herb and Beaker
Oil and Vinegar grocers
Fleet charter house
Macenti General
Harlow's Clockwork
Pare' the Barber
Tent Bazaar

Ikka Paatang
Fareen baths - largest baths in the city


Macenti is a melting pot of races, everything from dragonborn to humans to gith reside here.


The City is ruled by the Pirate King Torvus the third. Torvus employs a variety of councilors and captains at sea as well as wizards from the Circle of Sequestered Magics. These entites make sure that Tamaroc and it's settlements thrive and are safe.

King Torvus is generally looked upon favorably, both by the local citizenry and the council of pirate lords that set up the 9 kingdoms.


The City employs a current fighting force of approximately 200,000 soldiers. On top of that the wizard's school ensures there are plenty of magic users to fight with magical means.

The arsenal of Macenti includes siege engines of a variety, a fleet of armed ships, the king's private airship, as well as a variety of other devices from his pirate days.

Industry & Trade

Much trade occurs here as it is one of the largest port cities in the northern lands.

The trade ships often travel to Caldera on the other side of the tip of Tamaroc, Silvermoon Port at the northern tip of Vallenfor, Tortalle at the southern tip of Vallenfor as well as the small towns of Girut and Verilan on it's side islands.

They don't tend to head to the polar caps as the frost giants are a literally Huge problem. The continent of Samburoc is vast and while sailors will go that far south don't always make stops on this continent as they don't seem to like those from Tamaroc as much.


The city is filled with interesting segments. Most of the architecture is Dwarven built.

Guilds and Factions

Adventurer's Guild
Mercenaries of Benyar - Fighter's Guild
Circle of Sequestered Magics - Combined magics guild
Merchant's Guild
Alchemist's Guild
Metalworker's Guild
Brewer's Guild
Mason's Guild
Wheelwright's and Farrier's
Shipwright's Guild
Craft Goods Alliance
Cartographer's Guild
  Other Factions:
The Interest League
The Sons of Thrain - Church
Temple of Sumar'Fareen - Church
Temple of Nudor - Church (Healings and Resurrections)
Halls of Luvia - Primary courts for handling disputes and crime. Also a religious order.


Macenti was one of the first cities built by the Dwarves. Being settled by King Torvus and his fleet directly after the war. Torvus like the other 8 pirate lords was given a special tincture by the elves to be able to live very extended lives in order to keep the peace and remain watchful over the ruins of the Black Dragon Clan.


Many people come to Macenti for a variety of reasons: To see the lighthouse, to shop, to see the beautiful architecture, pilgrimages to particular churches and/or holy sites.


A gorgeous Gothic style reminiscent of our own Gothic architecture. These pirates have come a long way from shanties on the beach and ocean forts.

Key features: Height and grandeur, pointed arches, Vaulted ceilings and light and airy buildings.


The area around Macenti is mostly grasslands. There are mountains that rise up to the north and a sizable forest and small grouping of mountains to the east. Lastly the razor swamps are to the south, saltwater marshes.

Natural Resources

Local crops (lettuces, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, kohlrabi, radish, beetroot, peas, chard, leeks, mustard)
Metal ores(cobalt(R), iron, gold, silver, platinum(R), tin, aluminum, zinc(R))
1.2 million
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present

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