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The primary port of Bashmar it is also the sole trade port. It is smaller than Miran and Burgesh but still a bustling city.


Encompases more of the working/middle class. Highly varied among the races. There may be the rare but occassional Yuan-ti as well.


The city itself is run by Grand Master Kenneth Harmonfeld and he answers to the royal family. Beneath him are several other that assist in running the other districts of the city. They also serve as council to him, think of it like mayors and governor. The Port is run by Port Master Luwelize Griffon, the Trade District is run by Trade Master Reginald Hecksher, and the Housing District is run by Housing Master Besmuda.


There are guard towers along the coast and an inactive wall. In light the shimmering of the multicolored wall can be seen but people are able to pass through it without issue. Should the Niamar or some other treat be coming from the ocean wizards are sent to activate the wall and make it whole. It surrounds the city on the ocean front and as it meets land it is replaced by a more solid wall. It can be seen but not passed through. Guard towers are more frequent on land.

Industry & Trade

Minerals, gun powder materials, gems, exotic foods, and the occassional rare good. The biggest industries in the city is the aqua processor. After the water is magically separated by apprentice mages the water is sent to the aquaducts controlled by another group and the minerals (which are mixed together) are sent to be separated by others and packaged to be sold.


The shore is entirely covered with docking ports and there is one double sided airship docking station. All ships coming in here are trade that may also carry passengers if they are not full on goods. They have aquaducts where water is transported from the Niamar to the aqua processor where low level magic users are responsible for separating the salt and other minerals from the water. Salt and minerals are then sold worldwide and water is transported throughout the 'ard Herdai in aquaducts. The trade market is made up of open stalls and canvas tents. It contains all manner of businesses. The Housing District contains a combination of houses built of canvas, clay, and sand.


Port District: Being the only trade port in Bashamar it is considered its own small distract as after the docks is a small town area reserved for sailors who are spending time on land. With Leustinia being a smaller town this was done to ensure sailors have a place to rest but also to bring in more money for the port as they have been working on transition from canvas to actual buildings. The buildings in the Port District are entirely made from old ships both sea and air ships.   Trade District: Immediately following the Port District buildings, but separated by a wide road, this district is made of open carts, stalls, and enclosed canvas buildings. No homes are found in this district unless a proprieter has a home built in their place of work. There is no "organization" as to where you can find things. The types of goods are varied and can be found throughout the entire district. This is the district that also contains taverns and inns.   Housing District: The vast majority of people that live in Luestinia live here, except for the few proprieters that live at their place of work. This is a combination of canvas, clay, and sand houses. The city is using the extra money made from the port on sailors to assist in the funding of turning Leustinia into a city with buildings instead of just tents.


Leustinia was first developed as the capital of Bashamar after Aberwith's Gate was put up and any remaining hostile inhabitants were driven out or put to death. The third ruler of Bashamar though was assassinated in her sleep. When the fourth was finally elected it was determined that having the capital in Leustinia was unsafe and too open to attak. The capital was then moved to what is now Burgesh and Leustinia was turned into the major. and only, port of Bashamar.

Points of interest

The "Invisible Wall" is Leustinia's most exotic feature.


People come to see the wall and the exotic goods they have for sale. The following locations are available for lodging, food, and trade.   Niamar's Treasures: A kind of "catchall" shop of various things people find and come to trade or sell. Many sailors an adventurers will come here for a little extra coin or to see if there is anything of interest that they can trade for. It is located just outside the Port District across the street. The store is partly made of ships like the Port District and part made of canvas that appears to be old sails. It is the only building in the Trade District built in this manner.   The Ships Sail: A canvas tent like structure. It is both a tavern and inn. It is simple in structure with the ground floor being a tavern and the upper floors being where the rooms are. It seems precariously built though as when the winds are strong coming off the Niamar the canvas and upper floor sways like sails in the wind. From the outside it can also be seen that it is built in the shape of a ship's mast. It is located in the Port District and services only sailors generally.   The Sleeping Dolphin: Another tavern/inn this is located in the Trade District. It is more solidly built than it's sailor counterpart. The structure is built of soft grey-blue dyed canvas. The canvas maerial is strong but soft like the hide of a dolphin. Water also doesn't seem to cling to the canvas but instead rolls off it. The inside is nice but average and clean. The rooms are comfortable.   The Blue Smithy: Run by a water genasi named U'botuk. They have any kinds of weapons, armor, and some adventuring gear that someone may be looking for. Located in one of the few complete sand brick buildings it is towards the outside western corner of the trade district.   Wayland's Wonderous Wonders: A shop of magical curiousities. Wayland enjoys creating, trading, selling, and buying the magical, mystical, and mysterious things. Wayland is a halfling gnome with brown hair that has bright read highlights in it. About the height of a gnome but he is very thin and lithe like that of a halfling. Looking to be in his early 20s he inherited the shop from his grandfather a few years ago after he passed away.


Mainly it is made of canvas but the city is slowly changing over to sand/clay buildings except for the port buildings which are all made of old dock or ship materials.


A flat sand plain. There are no formally built roads they are just packed sand from use over the centuries.


Generally hot but not as dry as inland being right on the coast also cooler than inland.

Natural Resources

Minerals from the Niamar
Tens of thousands- A medium sized port city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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