Creating An Ember in Ashes and Embers | World Anvil

Creating An Ember

You are an Ember - the human-made, created spark of a god. Made by the Scholars to fulfill a prophecy once the other members of the pantheon were gone, you have the potential to replace them.   You are one of the following - Leviathan, Gravekeeper, Crucified One, Ashen Seer, Conflagration, Chained, Deacon of Blood, Colossus, Conqueror, Nightborne Apostle, Forsaken, Wayward. This is your godly title within the new pantheon that is taking shape. It dictates the abilities you will gather as you grow in power. See each of their pages for your starting ability. Only one player may be any one of these at a time. Make sure you let the GM know which you would like as soon as possible so that they can mark it as being taken.   Starting Level: 4   Wealth: You start with the tattered clothes on your back. No items or money. A trust exercise.   Stats: 26 point buy (Use this calculator.) Stats with point buy cannot be brought above 20 with points. However, starting stats may be above twenty with racial and GM given bonuses.   Races: All Base Races, Orc, Oread, Sylph, Undine, Ifrit, Aasimar, Dhampir, Suli, Tengu, Tiefling, Drow (Common), Kitsune, Strix, Changeling.   3PP: Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might (see the lists below).   Spheres Classes: Armorist, Elementalist, Eliciter, Hedgewitch, Incanter, Mageknight, SoulWeaver, Symbiat, Thaumaturge, Blacksmith, Commander, Conscript, Scholar, Sentinel, Striker.   Base Classes: All allowed except for anything tech-based (Trench Fighter), Synthesist Summoner, Beast Bond Witch, Master Summoner, Omdura, Vampire Hunter.   Spheres Disallowed: Bear, Technomancy [3PP], Veilweaving, Tech, Pilot [3PP], Fallen Fey. Please refrain from taking any truly broken combinations of things before level 10 or so. I will also heavily discourage item crafting in a high-powered campaign like this, I'm not looking to do 'Economics, The Game'.