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Bloodsworn Lands / Valiant Kingdom

  • Contemplation 52, 298
    Church of the Almighty formed
    Religious event

    The church of the almighty was founded when Bishop Seanton came out of the Laughing Hawk Woods with rolls of vellum where he recorded the book of truth which he dictated from a voice he heard on the very winds itself.

    Additional timelines
  • Arable 118, 234
    Seanton Founded

    Bishop Seanton chooses Golden Valley for the Grand Abbey for the Children of the Almighty. A town quickly pops up around it

  • Amendment 30 221
    King Valiant joins the CoA
    Religious event

    King Valiant converts to the Children of the Almighty and by royal decree names it the national religion. Castle at Seanton is renamed to Valiant Castle becoming his permanent residence and governmental seat.

  • 0

    24 AM

    Celestial / Cosmic

    A red moon appeared on the horizon. The ground ruptured and from the depths of the earth the Bloodsworn poored out lead by the Sorcerous Scourgebinders war engulfed the land.

    Additional timelines
  • 5 AM

    8 AM

    Life, Relocation

    Most races where not prepared for the fury of the Bloodsworn flee to Seanton

  • Amendment 66, 9 AM
    Council of Five established
    Civil action

    King Jorgen Valiant establishes Council of Five to rule over Seanton

  • Arable 12, 14 AM
    Oakenvale Founded

    Mathias Valiant having been gravely wounded in battle fled to the safety of the Laughing Hawk woods and founded the hamlet of Oakenvale

  • Amendment 118, 252
    Re-founding of The Star Order
    Civil action

    More reading
    The Star Order
  • Arable 37, 252
    Invasion of Vol Tarhur
    Military action

    The Star Order invades Vol Tarhur striking down Daikas Datan and returning rule to Isu

    Vol Taruhr