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Battle of Zhosah's Hubris

Death and dishonor are the price of foolishness.

The battle between the exploratory force of legendary Shur’h’neet Sidig Zhosah and a force of Nwrmifythangyedd west of the Ruoheen River.   It was the first sign that the terrible Nwrmifythangyedd had survived the deliverance, and a battle that showed the arrogance and foolishness of the Zhosah bloodline, leading to their downfall and the rise of the Julin bloodline that has remained in dominance of House Bashir ever since.

The Conflict


The Zhosah bloodline had been ruling House Bashir and the southlands since the great expansions of the late first century. Sidig Zhosah had been Shur’h’neet for only five years when he defied the will of his Saava Dhaashen and crossed the Ruoheen River into the west. For reasons unknown, but that Sidig declared divine intervention, the Ruoheen had ebbed to almost half it's usual depth and speed. Never in known history had anyone been able to cross the river into the west and Sidig considered it the duty of following his vi'tyaana to take such an opportunity to venture into the "Evil West".   Sidig took a force of soldiers and entourage of Bhraahan from each Zhoyaala in hastily modified fishing boats. Even at it's greatly reduced power, the currents and jutting stones of the Ruoheen River claimed a third of the expedition including the majority of the Bhraahan.   Once across, the remaining body of Sidig's force journeyed into the dense rainforest.


After moving slowly through the thick jungle for three days, Sidig Zhosah and his expedition found a clearing around a small pond at the base of a slow moving stream that came down from the foothills. After clearing the water of a few flying toads, the force settled in to camp. This would become the first battlefield between human and Nwrmifythangyedd.


As soldiers cleared trees for firewood around the jungle pond, a small slight figure appeared amongst them. She had the general form of a lightly built teenaged girl, yet was deformed and alien. With unnaturally broad hips and long legs and arms, bald head, and pale green skin strewn with vein like patterns. Her face too seemed delicate and feminine, yet monstrous, with a strange flat nose, small mouth, and huge dark eyes that shone purple in the light. Dressed in simple but well made leather clothes, the creature showed no fear or even confusion as she strode confidently in amongst the startled soldiers.   It is unclear exactly how the fight started, but accounts agree that a passing Bhraahan recognized the creature as one of the mythological "forest demons" of terrible magic that had lived amongst the lashaan before the deliverance.

The Engagement

As the soldiers realized what the creature was, the call went out. Again, events are unclear, but when the main force of Zhosah's soldiers arrived they found a dozen men dead by some unknown magic, and the body of the forest demon dismembered and twitching on the ground.   There was just enough time to form a defence before the rest of the Nwrmifythangyedd force attacked.   Details of the battle are unknown, but it is generally accepted that the force of two hundred Zhosah soldiers faced off against no more than seven of the enemy, and only a small handful of the Zhosah forces survived.


Through the bravery and skill of his personal honor guard, Sidig Zhosah and two of his Braahan escaped back to the Ruoheen River alive. They returned over the raging waters to the safety of the east shores and journeyed home expecting glory and honor at their incredible discovery.   Instead Sidig was met with scorn and derision. His arrogance and defiance of his Saava Dhaashen led to the death of hundreds, many Braahan included, and angered a race of horific demons that, until then, had most likely not even known humanity lived east of the Ruoheen.


Within a year of his return, Shur’h’neet Sidig Zhosah was asassinated and his children killed or banished. The entire Zhosah bloodline was thrown down, and the Julin Bloodline rose to dominance.

"They were mythical terrors come to life. They fell from the trees shredding my men like they were sweetroot for the pot."

- Atirendra Kadae, Captain of the Shur’h’neet's Guard to Sidig Zhosah (362AS)
Conflict Type
Start Date
362 AS
Ending Date
362 AS

Cover image: by Logan Schinbeckler


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