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ud'Saava Dhaashen

the High Sacred Voice of Giaan'lun

The highest and most senior member of the ud'Baahanxi and the most highly ranked priestess of Giaan’lun.


When an ud'Saava Dhaashen is granted the Gionghua and goes to Moksh ke'Jishu for her audience with the ud'Haare, her replacement is chosen by a secret council within the ud'Baahanxi. It is assumed that the group is fairly small and made up of senion Saava Dhaashen, but the names, ranks, or even number of members has never been made public.


The High Sacred Voice is leader to her fellow priestess' within the ud'Baahanxi, but also oversees doctrine and spiritual matters for all of Giaan’lun. In addition she is expected to oversee and administer the more major public festivals and holy days through the year and she has quasi-political duties with the High Houses, particularly of Chaodyatan Sho.


The ud'Saava Dhaashen is responsible for the spiritual well being of all followers of Giaan’lun. Through the Saava Dhaashen, Muhaan Dhaashen, Xiuhaan Dhaashen and various other sub-ranks of prriestess' within the ud'Baahanxi, she oversees and cares for the whole of Yatan'aa and beyond.


Though the ud'Baahanxi began as a small group of women discussing the nature of Niryusha with the ud'Haare, they quickly became the teachers of others as well. As the teachings of Giaan’lun became more popular and copies of the Kahaan ke'Maya were made and distributed, the ud'Haare herself was less and less able to teach and preach personally. Her closest friends and earliest followers became the first Saava Dhaashen: her "Sacred Female Voices". Very quickly, those women in turn dubbed her, their "ud'Saava Dhaashen", adding the prefix for 'fundamental' or 'spiritually crucial'.   When the ud'Haare assended to sit in judgment in Moksh ke'Jishu, the Saava Dhaashen decided that it would be crucial to hav a singular voice that continued on the work of the ud'Haare and oversaw her legacy.

Cultural Significance

There is no authority or person more universally respected, loved, and followed amongst all human kind on Tamrakaaz, than the ud'Saava Dhaashen. Through war, House intrigue, famine, and natural disasters, the High Sacred Voice of Giaan’lun stood outside, above, and beyond. Her summons are heeded by the most arogant of Shur’h’neet and her advice taken modestly by the most learned of Brahaan.

"Speak and I shall listen. Command and I shall obey. Bless me and I shall be stedfast. Grant me the favour of the ud'Haare and the wisdom of Niryushaa and I shall govern in justice and rightiousness."

- the last line of the coronation rites of a Shur’h’neet to the ud'Saava Dhaashen
Religious, Beatified
Form of Address
Source of Authority
the Kahaan ke'Maya
Length of Term
First Holder
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Cover image: by Logan Schinbeckler


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Aug 18, 2024 11:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3