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A Beholder is an aberration comprising a floating spheroid body with a large fanged mouth and single eye on the front and many flexible eyestalks on the top.   A beholder's eyes each possess a different magical ability; the main eye projects an anti-magical cone, and the other eyes use different spell-like abilities (disintegrate objects, transmute flesh to stone, cause sleep, slow the motion of objects or beings, charm animals, charm humans, cause death, induce fear, levitate objects, and inflict serious wounds). Many variant beholder species exist, such as "observers", "spectators", "eyes of the deep", "elder orbs", "hive mothers", and "death tyrants". In addition, some rare beholders can use their eyes for non-standard spell-like abilities; these mutant beholders are often killed or exiled by their peers. Beholders wishing to cast spells like ordinary wizards relinquish the traditional use of their eyestalks, and put out their central anti-magic eye, making these beholder mages immediate outcasts.

Basic Information


Beholders are normally composed of spherical bodies containing one big main eye with several tentacle-looking eye-stalks.

Biological Traits

Some beholders seem to inherit physical characteristics from unknown sources. Some studied beholders have been recorded to be completely different than the suspected parent.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how Beholders reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is unknown how long it takes for a Beholder to mature.

Ecology and Habitats

Beholders normally hoard themselves within cave systems or other occult locations, often protected by their own minions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Beholders need to eat like any other living being. Although their preferred diet varies from Beholder to Beholder.

Biological Cycle

Beholders generally live for a long time. Derukoskai, the Tyrant is the longest living Beholder known.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Beholders generally try to stay at the top of the command chain of their ranking. It is known that they forcefully subdue creatures into doing their bidding,

Average Intelligence

Beholders normally are born highly intelligent. This characteristic grows exponentially during its maturation.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Beholders typically have exceptional eye-sight due to the numerous eyes around their body which grant them near 360 degrees vision.
  The dissected eye from a Beholder's eye-stalk. Note the small stature, meaning it could have possibly come from an infant.
Scientific Name
Tyrannus Oculus
Unknown. (Longest living: 550).
Conservation Status
Beholders normally tend to keep themselves secret from society. So much that only a few beholders are known to exist.
Average Height
1.8 meters
Average Weight
200-300 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Beholders generally have quite unique colourisation and tints, varying different between individuals.

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