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Metalurgica is a capital of experimental magic, so to speak. Citizens regularly partake in dangerous procedures to augment their body, mind and sometimes, even soul. The citadel is also a centerpoint for experimental substances, illegal in most places of Aspicientis, but disregarded as pure recreational activities within the citadel. The addicts of the citadel, dubbed "Dust-heads" are a sad distortion of the Fey that once thrived there, not to say that they are any less astounding as their healthy counterparts; generations of substance and augmentation abuse have distorted some races, to the point of being almost unrecognisable.


Metalurgica is a bustling centre of attraction for evil-aligned fey, refugees from persecution and outcasts of normal society. Although the majority of the population is composed of fey, this does not limit the city's populaceto only them; a small percentage is of ordinary humanoid and fey-descendants.


The governing body of Metalurgica is The Steel Court.   The Steel Court is a mostly evil-aligned faction that revolves around magitechnological advances and the ideal that The Wild Fey should adapt to the rapid evolution of Fey nature. Led by an AI of gargantuan proportions that propagates throughout the city, The Steel Court abides to the rules and will of Queen Titanium; a once nigh-archfey that succumbed to a deadly infection, but conducted her own salvation through dangerous experimentation with magitechnology, effectively salvaging her mind into a gargantuan neural network that spreads throughout the Palace of Metalurgica; this network was titled The Titanium Web.

Industry & Trade

Within Metalurgica, a grotesquely overbearing capitalist market holds onto the throat of the economic foundation of the city. Corporations and white-collar businessmen are the leading front in the catastrophically arbitrary system that not just dicates, but quite literally produces the lifestyle of the common folk within the city.   The leading corporations of Metalurgica are grouped in a term colloquially known as The Six Carbon Fingers; referring to six of the most wealthy and powerful corporations within the city. The Fingers are responsible for the manufacture and commercial distribution of several different trades that define the city for what it is; their influence on the city and Lurgican lives has become irreplaceable, and despite abusive marketing tactics, dangerous products and intrusive advertisements, the yield of goods distributed by The Fingers has become a necessity to millions.

Guilds and Factions

In the innards of Metalurgica, the city is realistically ruled by two opposing "factions". The first, being the capitalist overlords of the city; controlling and quite literally manufacturing the livelihood of the city's citizens, just so it can be sold right back to them with interest: The Six Carbon Fingers. Although   Opposing The Fingers, several major underground organisations have surfaced over the centuries; grasping at what little was left of for them to take for their own. These groups have since been deemed "illegal" and "immoral" by the ever-so controlled media of Metalurgica; and although they are not in direct opposition with The Fingers all the time, the groups within don't frequently work together at all, and are mostly recognised as another side to the corrupted coin that The Fingers lie on. The Sewer Sovereigns are a generally regarded as group of 4 or so gangs or organisations that work towards their own agendas, which generally tend to oppose The Fingers'.  

The Six Carbon Fingers

The Fingers are composed of, you guessed it, six corporate figures, veiled by the cover of big businesses and bustling trading operations of grandiose names and fame. The major players divide themselves into separate categories of trade, each specialising on their own product or service that has made itself a necessity in the Lurgican lifestyle.    


The Integrated Everything Network Web is not only the name of the corporate face behind the revolution of communications technology in Metalurgica, but also the name of the service itself. Sometimes also referred to as IENW or more commonly as just "the Internet", the service provided by IENW is an almost necessary tool in the day-to-day life of your average Lurgican; not only does it allow almost instant communication throughout the city but it has been integrated into almost every piece of technology fabricated in the city, be it as a requirement, for remote function or for simple ease of use. IENW is predominantly represented by their CEO, Bouregard Everyweb; an eccentric musician, comedian and engineer that was responsible for the creation and development of the Internet within Metalurgica.  

armsGen Artillery Inc.

Within the confined walls of Metalurgica, conflict is nothing but guaranteed when stepping outside the barely-safe confines of your one-bedroom apartment. With gang violence and street-level crime on the rise, there is little to do but arm yourself to the teeth with lead-spewing death machines. And lucky to you, armsGen Artillery is the exact brand you will be looking for when purchasing the necessary equipment to keep your belongings belonging to who they belong! The corporation manufactures several different types of weapons, varying from simple blunt batons, to highly-advances particle rifles, not only for civilian use, but also for the security force of Metalurgica. The CEO in charge is Avaerie Shaw; stern and deadly, with fierceness to spare.  

Diamondaid Finances

CEO: Urien Esperon  

Hookdreams Drugs & Co.

Produces all counter-bought drugs and medicines at a astoundingly high price, specifically highly addictive recreational drugs. Their hold on the manufacture and distribution of narcotics and medicine bans all production of drugs outside of their labs, therefore rendering street-level and homemade pharmaceuticals highly "illegal", as illegal as something in Metalurgica gets. CEO: Iolanthe Bentzen

Fairyway Betting & Lottery

CEO: Steonash Vih

Zōkyō Systems Inc.

CEO: Hara Toyohi

The Sewer Sovereigns

Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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