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Spellshard Technology

Spellshard technology is a groundbreaking innovation that allows magical energy to be stored within specially designed crystal components. These shards serve as a versatile power source, capable of fueling magical devices or storing the effects of spells for later use, whether in combat or for other applications.


Spellshards are primarily used as a power source for various magical technologies. In combat, they can function similarly to scrolls, enabling magic users to prepare spells in advance and store them within the shard for immediate deployment when needed.


The manufacturing process of Spellshards is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few within the Outsiders of the Dragonfly guild. Although it is widely known that the raw materials originate from the Spellshard Enclave.
An old prototype-Spellshard, charged with a spell.
Spellshard technology was developed by Magical Research Team E, a specialized group employed by the Outsiders of the Dragonfly.
Access & Availability
Spellshards are relatively accessible to the public, often available in magic shops for a significant amount of gold. They function much like batteries for certain magical items, making them a valuable resource for both everyday use and combat situations.
While the development process of Spellshards is a state secret, the operation of these crystals is straightforward. Even novice magic users can easily utilize them, making Spellshards a practical tool for a wide range of individuals.
The discovery and development of Spellshards were the result of an experiment by Magical Research Team E, who were attempting to create synthetic material components for spells.    Their success led to the creation of this revolutionary technology, which has since become integral to the magical advancements of Aspicientis.

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