Duchess Nadarra Kherrylion

Nadarra Kherrylion is the duchess of a small county in Volmare. Combining her warlock powers with her inherited military tactics, she specializes in rapid deployment of military troops all over the province of Volmare when trouble arise.  


Nadarra is a Dragonborn descendant of black dragons. She always wears simple robes and is known to avoid jewlery and trinkets.  


Nadarra was very fond of her gradfather, the General in charge of the defense of Volmare. Her grandfather mysteriously disappeared at a very young age. This motivated her to enter the Adventurer's Guild Academy in order to get the necessary skills to complete her life quest of finding him. She befriended a group of students who later on would form "The Prodigy" party. The group well renowned to have stopped the dragon invasion and slain both Glaxmaus the Red Dragon and Hscob the Mad Mage.

Character Portrait image: by Heroforge


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