Adventurer's Guild Academy

This is the educational branch of The Adventurers Guild that manages the recruitment and training of new Adventurers. Students join from every corner of Hule Kingdom and the rest of the Main Land, making this entity the one with the most varierty of races and classes.  


The Adventurer's Guild had a lack of quality members and needed to up it's game to rival agains other organisations and attain a higer level of success and also profit. It comissionned a group of sages to come up with the most efficient way to train new adventurers and join the guild's rank.  
I originally needed a starting point for a D&D campaign back in 2018 and wanted to get away from clichés. The small idea of an academy grew into a full blown pillar of the Hulian adventuring society.
— CowWarrior

Academy Life


To study in the academy you generally must be born in a rich and powerful family or have huge talent and be sponsored by a well connected individual. This ensures a steady source of financing while limiting admitance to candidates with the most potential... in theory. Admittance occurs every five years (called a quintet) so the staff can fully concentrate on the cohort and provide the best possible education. There is no formal age restriction but, most recruits are aged between 11 and 16 in human years. A cohort is composed of 36 to 64 individuals, which will generate 6 to 8 parties for the final challenge.  

Daily Life

The daily life of a student is divided in formal education, practical applications. Students will train mainly in their program (specialized by class) but also have extra-curicular activities that force students to mingle. The purpose is three-fold, it teaches adittional skills, it re-inforces socialization skills (including social conflict resolution) amongst students, but also helps professors to form adventuring parties for the final challenge.  


The academy is devided in multiple campuses across Hule. There is approximately 1 to 2 campuses per province. The main campus, the only one in Rohmyr, is in close proximity to the village of Lazybrooke really a "domain" and the buildings are sparce compared to the village below the hills. As most campuses, the main campus is divided in a three pointed star composed of the Magical, Spiritual and Physical buildings where associated teachings take place.  
I saw some shady people skulking about the campus. I bet they are Theiflings stealing souls... Of course, its true! Since when do I lie?
— Thortun, the flexing gnome

Physical Building

This building houses topics that need to be in a controlled environment such as lockpicking, maze combat tactics, traps disarming. There is a large exterior courtyard for uncontrolled activities such as open fighting tactics, archery, physical training. This building is very plain and blocky, built with castle stone blocks and a terracota tile roof.  

Spiritual Building

This building houses activities that are spiritual in nature, it has a floor dedicated to house shrines to the main pantheon, where students can meditate and pray. Some areas are built to resonate with the astral planes in order to be in closer proximity with the spirits and interact with them. This building is built like a cathedral and parts of it have a glass roof.  

Magical Building

This buildign houses activities related to spellcasting, such as a library, a scriptorium, a brewry for potions and ale! It has an outside "spellcasting field" were disruptive spells can be safely cast. This building is built with varying types of stones representing the nine schools of magic. Form a distance it looks like a mosaic of colors with a shimmering magical hay roof.  

The village

Some families (the not so rich ones) move into the village while their children are studying, especially if there are a number of children that are academy-worth. The main purpose of the village is to supply the academy with basic necessities: Bakers, Butchers, Blacksmith, etc…  
I'm taking a stroll to the village to see Timmy, I need to stretch my legs... Anybody wants a warm brew?
— Thortun, the flexing gnome


Staff is composed mainly by masters of each class. Professors rarely changes from a quintet to another and they are chosen from the Adventurers guild. They are often retired heroes who want to train future generations and therefore ensure prosperity of the Adventurers Guild.  


Adera Closeup by Hero Forge
The 'headmistress' is no other than Baroness Adera. She has a manor on top of a hill towering over the whole academy and the Lazybrooke village sitting in the valley below. It is not clear why such an important and busy figure takes such an active role in managing the academy when she has the whole province of Rohmyr to rule over.

Head of Hospitality

The Head of Hospitality is in charge of the well being of students in general. It is in part a logistic role to meet the basic needs of the general student body and also the social aspect. Each student is fully tended to: housed, nourrished, and supplied with basic material for their specific program.   The position is currently occupied by Raani a talking duck or a polymorphed humanoid? Raani is very charming and well liked by students and staff alike.
Raani Closeup by Hero Forge


Graduation day is an all day long event. It is devided in two major segments: The Final challenge where students are tested followed by the graduation ceremony itself.  


The final challenge to graduate is a custom dungeon that usually takes five years to build. Although it is always built in the same location, it's layout is always different and have special challenges to test students in "real world conditions". The challenge contains real dangers but death seldomly occurs. The philosophy is that if students learned properly and cooperate, they will know how to react and safely overcome challenges.  
I overheard the professors taking bets on which party will perform the best during the challenge... Of course, its true! Since when do I lie?
— Thortun, the flexing gnome


At the end of the final challenge, students are brought to the center of the academy where a small stage is set. Any deceased students are honorably named, exposed at the foot of the stage, and later and buried onto the official cemetary. Each graduate parades onto the stage and provided with a sash (the official graduate emblem) and a personalized gift remitted by the Headmistress herself. They are applauded by the crowd and forced immediately to leave the grounds as they are symbolicly let out into the "real" world. Any belongings left into their quarters, are reclaimed or destroyed by the Academy.  


Upon graduating, individuals are automatically offered full membership to the Adventurer's Guild and all the associated perks. Most accept but some refuse in order to join other more specialized organisations such as Quill Templars or the Mystic Circle. Alumni's always get recognition and can use the honorific title "Graduate" regardless of their life path.  

The Prodigy

They are a group of the most famous adventurers having graduated from the Academy. At graduation, they were represented by Shanna, the prodigious Sorceress who graduated on the day of her 16th birtday; hence the party's nickname. They are well known for stopping The great Dragon Invasion by slaying Glaxmaus and all became famous personalities around the kingdom.  

Force, Spirit, Knowledge


  • Academy Dungeon
  • Academy Grounds
Alternative Names
"The" Academy
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Cover image: Terracotta Roofs In Italy (Public Domain) by Petr Kratochvil, modified by CowWarrior
Character flag image: Adventurers Guild Academy Crest by CowWarrior


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