
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Forge-face's body is huge and impressive, but the metal on the surface has tarnished due to the many years without maintenance trapped in a damp old cave.

Facial Features

Her face resembles a forge.

Physical quirks

Due to how she had been trapped under rubble for almost a hundred years, the connections between her upper and lower body (through the waist) have rotted away and left her legs and lower torso partially paralyzed. Not all of it is completely disconnected so she can still feel some things, but the sensation in her legs is best described as "staticky" at best.

Apparel & Accessories

After being helped out of the mines by Two Fang warforged, Forge-face created her own rocket powered wheelchair to use so that she could move around on her own. It was made using her own knowledge on metalsmithing in combination with the proficiency with explosives (firearms and other weaponry) that many Two Fang warforged are known for having.

Specialized Equipment

Forge-face's face looks like a forge because she was made for descending the caves with other miner warforged and making tools on the spot.


Contacts & Relations

  • Forge-face and Cronk o' Dar are good friends. She spent quite a lot of time with him because Cronk would always come back for more modifications to his body. She got to know him better than anyone else in Two Fang because each visit was almost therapeutic for him. Cronk didn't tell her that he'd be leaving, but she understood what his intentions were from the way that he talked to her the last time he visited. \
Dim, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tarnished coppery metal
1200 lbs


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