Gladia Fowler

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gladia has some muscle, and thick bones (especially her skull).

Body Features

Typically no visible muscle tone despite still being physically strong.

Facial Features

Slight squared jaw, middling cheekbones, round lips, mostly straight nose that curves a small bit at the tip, softly arched eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Bright yellow-blonde hair with an unusual dark section of hair by her left ear. Blank grey stare that looks straight through you.

Physical quirks

big boobs

Special abilities

An iron will that could bulldoze a small city on only 1 tank of gas

Apparel & Accessories

Light half-plate armour which she customized from her old traditional elven armour after crashing onto the gold coast.

Specialized Equipment

Giant 6'9" reflective seaglass sword which can cast an illusory duplication spell every sunrise.

Mental characteristics


Gladia is bisexual but prefers women because they're prettier.

Personality Characteristics


Gladia's motivation is to aid in the Raven Queen's mission to find the Blackrazor. She doesn't really know why it is that she needs to pursue this weapon, but she's accepted it as her path since arriving to the gold coast. She keeps trudging on for herself and her ol' Ma and Pa back at the farm, even though she can't really remember their names right.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is good at doing eyeliner on herself and on other people. Great at powering through tough situations through sheer force of will.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gladia is very black and white. She lacks nuance, which makes her fairly uncomplcated on the surface. Her replaced memories do not burden her, but her new ones don't add much substance to her known life experience which makes her strangely inexperienced with many aspects of living even though she is in her 30s. Her wit is very below average.

Personality Quirks

Not many people know it but her eyesight is quite poor.


Bathes an average amount but has a distinct girlsmell.


Contacts & Relations

Gladia is Cronk's gay best friend and she currently relies on him financially. Hank has become her close friend over time, and they bond over working out, looking good, and being empty-headed. She thinks Hank is pretty smart.

Social Aptitude

Incredibly charismatic and socially adept. She tends to be friendly, but if she argues with you she never holds a grudge. Very extroverted and enjoys the company of others but is capable of being surprisingly self-sustaining when left alone (unlike Cronk o' Dar...).

Hobbies & Pets

Has a trusty old mare named Pearl. Pearl manifested one day and started following her around, and Gladia doesn't know why, but she loves her regardless. In reality, Pearl was Gladia's old knightly mount who died a while ago but of course she doesn't remember that past.
Pet fluffy baby t-rex named Sparda. Its supposed to be Sparta but Gladia can't spell and does not enunciate the T.


She has a hint of a southern accent, and has a medium-high powerful voice. She gets very vulgar and graphic when angry.

Wealth & Financial state

Never has more than 3 gold pieces on her, due to entrusting Cronk o' Dar with most of her funds. Very poor and knows it. Tends to smile her way through money troubles.
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
June 20th, 482
Circumstances of Birth
Born during the height of the summer solstice, in the middle of a raid on their village. Named after her mother who died during childbirth.
Warm grey
bouncy curled bright blonde hair with a black chunk by her left ear
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned fair skin with medium freckles
160 lb
Known Languages
Fully fluent in both speaking and reading in Elvish, but only capable of speaking and understanding the Common language.


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