Skiff the Firebrand


Early Life
As the runt of the clutch, Skiff was born the smallest of his siblings, in a shallow hovel deep in the Badlands. Starvation was an ever-present threat for his family, so hunting small animals as a group was a constant during all waking hours of night. By the time he reached maturity at age six, he was one of four survivors among his siblings.
The Fire
A small eruption from the Hellmouth volcano, on the eve of his 7th birthday set fire to a large portion of the badlands. Trapped in a ring of rapidly encroaching fire in a dry grassy field, Skiff prepared for his demise. Miraculously, he survived- burned and scarred- but alive. After this harrowing experience that claimed the rest of his family, he was overtaken by an overwhelming psychosis that led him to claim that the volcano itself chose him to serve a higher purpose.
The Gullet
Starving and injured, he travelled alone by strength of will and sheer tenacity, to the ruins of The Gullet at the base of the volcano, which had been occupied by slavers from the Glass Desert enslaving kobolds to mine ore from the rich volcanic veins. Single-handedly, Skiff viciously savaged the slavers with his bare hands and zealous purpose, some witnesses claiming throughhout the battle he was partially devouring a combatant's severed limb while fighting off terrified slavers. By the time the battle was over, the slavers were killed or routed, and the kobolds had been freed, but the heavily injured Skiff nearly succumbed to his wounds and would slip into a coma.
The newly freed kobolds would tend to Skiff's wounds as best as they could, with what little resources they had, being bereft of even scraps of cloth to staunch bleeding. Forced to use the very heat of the lava floes to cauterize his wounds, he survived, just barely. When he awoke nearly a month later, he found fifty loyal kobolds awaiting his return, upon a seat of power and a new title as the Firebrand of the Cult Drakvulcani-minorae.


As the Firebrand of the Drakvulcani, Skiff is the religious leader of the group. He leads rituals involving fire and branding.
Is banned from The Wildman Rest due to breaking several laws around neutrality.
Has recently acquired a tiny magma elemental by the name of magmar, which he keeps on his person at all times.
Prides himself on never once having "grovelled, cowered, or begged"
The frequent brandings and re-brandings due to skin-shedding have left him with a multitude of irritating skin conditions.
Cult Drakvulcani-minorae
30 years


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