
5th day of Lunaris

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"Astaeria.   A land of curiosity, diversity and culture. A land shrouded in mystery and intrigue, yet riddled with conflict, revolution, and betrayal.   At the centre of this land, the Malvarron Empire stands proud and victorious, its bloodthirsty beginnings juxtaposed with the luscious, emerald backdrop of Old Elvara..."  
Eldeth Cordell, 1355, 'The Common Man’s Guide to Astaeria’
The Year is 1405 AE...
Emperor Lucianno Malvarro has succeeded in his quest to continue the work of his late father and conquer the once autonomous settlements of Elvara.   Whilst the second Great Elvaran War may have ended over twenty years ago, scars of grief and fury run deep. Support for the regime is flailing, and rumours of an active resistance group are gaining speed.   As the empire looks inward to quash this threat, a bigger threat lurks in the shadows, poised to send the entirety of civilisation into a frenzy.   Will there be anyone left to stop it?
Find out more about the region of Astaeria by below:
The Great Empire of Malvarron
Organization | Aug 1, 2024

The Empire of Malvarron is located on the continent of Elvara at the centre of the Astaeri region. It was founded in 1331 AE following 'The Vanguard Revolution', which brought the previous regime to an abrupt and violent end.

The Malvarri Military
Organization | Jun 25, 2024

The durability of the Great Empire of Malvarron depends largely on the support of the military. This need for loyalty extends to all three sectors: the Vanguard, the Watch and the Crimson order.

Species | Jun 25, 2024

Fuddle-Moss is a flowerless, shallow-rooted plant native to the continent of Elvara.

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