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Goddess of Passion and the Sun

As the queen of the Astalian pantheon, Lielle might be the most powerful and influential entity on the planet—with the exception of the four primordials who exist outside her official court. To the few mortals fortunate (or misfortunate) to gain an audience with her, she appears as a dark-skinned, elegant noblewoman wearing a burning golden crown. From the myths and legends of her meetings with mortal kings and queens, she is stately, polite, and intense, but can be fervent and passionate when roused. Though there are few problems she cannot solve with a single word, none who have found themselves on the other end of her flaming spear have survived.

Domains and Flavor

Lielle only accepts the most fervent, righteous, and dedicated clerics to her service, but those she favors are granted mighty power in the service of her domains of Light, Life, Order, or—in some cases—War. Lielle is the deity with the greatest number of paladins devoted to her worship. Pursuing the life of utmost devotion that she demands can also attract zealot barbarians, manifest the divine soul of a sorcerer, or grant the power of the sun soul to monks.

Myths and Relationships

As the queen of the gods, Lielle plays the role of greatest authority in most stories about the Astalian pantheon. She remains largely aloof from mortal affairs, unlike her husband. On the rare occasions when she personally selects a champion, that individual is guaranteed to shift the balance of an era. The greatest champion of Lielle in recorded history was the platinum dragonborn, Thanar, who overthrew the Yezec Empire and established a new civilization in the lands now known as the Skaisles.

Religous Influence

Lielle is omnipresent in worship and takes the premier spot in all temples devoted to the pantheon, but is rarely worshipped on an individual basis. The most common prayers to her are spoken in moments of righteous anger, praying for her to grant the strength and honor to carry out justice. As queen goddess of conquest, she is also often prayed to by monarchs seeking guidance and would-be warlords. Her primary symbol is the sun encircled in a crown.


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